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Happy X-mas

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  • Dr Mordrid
    Michigan should be pretty much open by the end of January, and vaccinations are ramping quickly. Pfizer has increased production, and scrappy little Moderna is ramping rapidly - targeting 1 billion doses in 2021.

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  • VJ
    Got married without any of my family present (due to covid). Haven't seen my parents, family or friends back home in over a year. Got swamped in work, and we just learned we won a few research projects, so it looks like it will be more of the same (not enough staff, so it will fall on our heads). On the bright side, we finally got Netflix (mainly for my wife's parents, but we also use it).

    Many around us got covid (in Poland: wife's family, neighbours, friends, colleagues), but we think we did not nor our close family (but how can you be sure? one colleague had a test that showed he had it, but he has no idea when). No one on the Belgian side got it (that they know of), but it seems they are all bored out of their minds from sitting at home (e.g. hairdressers are closed since October, and will be closed at least till mid-March; restaurants, bars much longer).

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  • Umfriend
    Mom and sis had Covid. All recovered, mom, 76 yo, very quickly actually. A year to forget and 21 is off to a lousy start but at least there is light at the end of the tunnel (other then from the oncoming freight train).

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  • Dr Mordrid
    Not much going on here in the world of CoVid. Never smoked so I can't quit, took part in a vaccine trial, everyone put on a few pounds over the holidays, etc.

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  • UtwigMU
    So how did 2020 go for you?
    I quit vaping/smoking entirely (was vaping 97% of the time before) for 2 months now
    Finally have some real estate. Bought a parking garage together with brother for cash to rent out. Costs on the order of small new car. Will generate 4% income.
    Some family members had Covid but fortunately they all got well without need for hospitalization. They are 65+ so I was afraid but everything is OK now.
    Since I work in IT (half of IT is people work) 2020 has been really stressful and tiresome and 2021 is off to shitty start work-wise. But I'm fortunate to have work so I can't complain. Some people have been home on 800 EUR government support for half a year now stuck with families in small apartments. Also have active certifications just in case.

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  • VJ
    A bit late, but still: best wishes for 2021...!

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  • UtwigMU
    Merry Christmas. Good that 2020 is over and I have a few days to rest.

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  • Dr Mordrid
    Merry Christmas to you guys too!!

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  • Umfriend
    started a topic Happy X-mas

    Happy X-mas

    And a merry new year to the few lost souls that still frequent this forum.