Saw a couple of tilt-rotor aircraft yesterday flying over my house. Never seen any before, so I did a bit of Googling. Apparently they were MV-22 Ospreys, on their first visit to the UK...
To be honest, this surprised me slightly: when I saw them I thought that they were something from a museum - these things look like they were designed and built in the 60s
I looked out of the window for them because they really didn't sound like normal helicopters - and lo and behold they weren't... noisy beggars.
Anyway, looks like these are being rolled out to the US marines at the mo.
Interesting. Would you call them a plane or a helicopter? Or just an "aircraft"?
To be honest, this surprised me slightly: when I saw them I thought that they were something from a museum - these things look like they were designed and built in the 60s

I looked out of the window for them because they really didn't sound like normal helicopters - and lo and behold they weren't... noisy beggars.
Anyway, looks like these are being rolled out to the US marines at the mo.
Interesting. Would you call them a plane or a helicopter? Or just an "aircraft"?
