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Climate change impacts report

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  • Climate change impacts report

    You can download the report at

    I was misled into thinking that this report was going to be the full scientific one, which was supposed to be published about now, but I think this has been delayed until this autumn.

    I must admit, I find this one rather too alarmist and the popular media have immediately latched on to the worst case scenarios.

    I think the language of this report has been carefully chosen to try and shock the recalcitrant governments into action.
    Brian (the devil incarnate)

  • #2
    Which is one of the reasons so many people ignore them, or at the very least read them with increasing suspicion. "Scientists" should stick to facts and leave hysteria to the professionals.
    Dr. Mordrid
    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


    • #3
      "Professionall hysterians"?


      • #4
        Yeah; Al Gore etc.
        Dr. Mordrid
        An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

        I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


        • #5
          2 of the 4 largest newspapers in Sweden are riding high on the current global warming hysteria.

          Both of them offers ridiculous "I'm gonna save the world by using less electricity" contracts.

          One of them had the dofy headline "I want my grandchildren to be able to see real polarbears in the wild"

          And none of the papers points out that IF the environmental nutcases hadn't scared the shit out of everyone in the seventies about the nuclear death nuclear powerplants (According to them was causing) MAYBE we wouldn't have had to import dirty coal generated electricity (and coalpowerplants are spreading radiation like crazy)
          If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

          Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


          • #6
            Didn't want to start a new one on the old topic..... .

            NASA study: Eastern U.S. to get hotter By SETH BORENSTEIN,
            AP Science Writer Thu May 10, 5:57 PM ET

            Future eastern United States summers look much hotter than originally predicted with daily highs about 10 degrees warmer than in recent years by the mid-2080s, a new NASA study says.

            Previous and widely used global warming computer estimates predict too many rainy days, the study says. Because drier weather is hotter, they underestimate how warm it will be east of the Mississippi River, said atmospheric scientists Barry Lynn and Leonard Druyan of Columbia University and NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

            "Unless we take some strong action to curtail carbon dioxide emissions, it's going to get a lot hotter," said Lynn, now a scientist at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. "It's going to be a lot more dangerous for people who are not in the best of health."

            The study got mixed reviews from other climate scientists, in part because the eastern United States has recently been wetter and cooler than forecast.

            Instead of daily summer highs in the 1990s that averaged in the low to mid 80s Fahrenheit, the eastern United States is in for daily summer highs regularly in the low to mid 90s, the study found. The study only looked at the eastern United States because that was the focus of the funding by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Lynn said.

            And that's just the eastern United States as a whole. For individual cities, the future looks even hotter.

            In the 2080s, the average summer high will probably be 102 degrees in Jacksonville, 100 degrees in Memphis, 96 degrees in Atlanta, and 91 degrees in Chicago and Washington, according to the study published in the peer-reviewed journal Climate.

            But every now and then a summer will be drier than normal and that means even hotter days, Lynn said. So when Lynn's computer models spit out simulated results for July 2085 the forecasted temperatures sizzled past uncomfortable into painful. The study showed a map where the average high in the southeast neared 115 and pushed 100 in the northeast. Even Canada flirted with the low to mid 90s.

            Many politicians and climate skeptics have criticized computer models as erring on the side of predicting temperatures that are too hot and outcomes that are too apocalyptic with global warming. But Druyan said the problem is most computer models, especially when compared to their predictions of past observations, underestimate how bad global warming is. That's because they see too many rainy days, which tends to cool temperatures off, he said.

            There is an established link between rainy and cooler weather and hot and drier weather, said Kevin Trenberth, climate analysis chief at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Rainy days means more clouds blocking the sun and more solar heat used to evaporate water, Druyan said.

            "I'm sorry for the bad news," Druyan said. "It gets worse everywhere."

            Trenberth said the link between dryness and heat works, but he is a little troubled by the computer modeling done by Lynn and Druyan and points out that recently the eastern United States has been wetter and cooler than expected.

            A top U.S. climate modeler, Jerry Mahlman, criticized the study as not matching models up correctly and "just sort of whistling in the dark a little bit."

            But Andrew Weaver of the University of Victoria, editor of the journal Climate but not of this study, praised the paper, saying "it makes perfect sense."

            He said it shows yet another "positive feedback" in global warming, where one aspect of climate change makes something else worse and it works like a loop.

            "The more we start to understand of the science, the more positive feedbacks we start to find," Weaver said.

            Weaver said looking at the map of a hotter eastern United States he can think of one thing: "I like living in Canada."


            On the Net:

            The NASA paper:

            Diplomacy, it's a way of saying “nice doggie”, until you find a rock!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Nowhere View Post
              "Professionall hysterians"?
              AKA politicians and anyone who finds a way to generate income from the next mass hysteria.
              • Our toothbrushes contain no cancerogenic materials!
              • Our car is 100% biodegradable!

              What they fail to tell you, is that the others don't either, but scare tactics work..
              As for biodegradable cars, in warm countries, they start to biodegrade after as many as 6 years instead of 12-20, meaning you'll have to change wires etc, in case your car wasn't set aflame by then. Bottom line, more resources used because your car breaks down more often.
              "For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism."

