NASA has revamped the specs for the Ares V lunar cargo rocket and in the process have turned it into a fire-breathing beast more powerful than the venerated Saturn V.
Height: 381.1 feet vs. 363 for the Saturn V
Engines: 2 extended length SRB's + 6 RS68 liquid engines vs. 5 liquid engines for the Saturn V
Ground thrust: 11,760,330 lbs vs. 7,648,000 lbs for Saturn V
Lunar throw weight: 71.1 metric ton vs. 47 metric tons for Saturn V.
And this is still not enough as almost 75 metric tons will be necessary because of the weight of the Altair lunar lander and its cargo, which would include components for a lunar base and lunar rovers for the astronauts.
As it is they'll be running those RS68's at 108% throttle at launch, so there's still a lot of work to do.
Height: 381.1 feet vs. 363 for the Saturn V
Engines: 2 extended length SRB's + 6 RS68 liquid engines vs. 5 liquid engines for the Saturn V
Ground thrust: 11,760,330 lbs vs. 7,648,000 lbs for Saturn V
Lunar throw weight: 71.1 metric ton vs. 47 metric tons for Saturn V.
And this is still not enough as almost 75 metric tons will be necessary because of the weight of the Altair lunar lander and its cargo, which would include components for a lunar base and lunar rovers for the astronauts.
As it is they'll be running those RS68's at 108% throttle at launch, so there's still a lot of work to do.