NIAC is to advanced space science as DARPA is to military mad science - a place for off the hook innovation. NIAC has been in the woods for years, but it looks to be making a comeback....
NASA press release....

NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Phase I Solicitation Now Open!
NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Phase I Solicitation Now Open!
The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Program seeks to inspire and nurture revolutionary concepts that could transform future aerospace endeavors. NIAC will fund early studies of visionary, long term concepts - aerospace architectures, systems, or missions (not focused technologies). The goal of NIAC is to give visionary ideas a chance. NASA recognizes that concepts to transform the future may come from innovators across the nation, so this exciting program is open to everyone. If you have a revolutionary concept that NASA should consider, you are encouraged to submit a NIAC proposal.
This solicitation NNH11ZUA001N is for NIAC Phase I studies. Typical awards will be up to $100K for a typical duration for up to 1 year. Phase I proposals are limited to 8 pages in length for the science/technical/ management section. Final proposals will be due May 2, 2011. Awards based on this solicitation are contingent on appropriated funds.
NRA Overview
The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Phase I studies are focused on early studies of visionary concepts. NASA will seek proposals that align with the agency's Space Technology Roadmaps and NASA's Space Technology Grand Challenges. These must be:
Aerospace architecture, mission, or system concepts
Revolutionary, yet technically substantiated
Very early development (TRL 1-2 or early 3; aiming 10 or more years out)
To further clarify, NASA is explicitly not soliciting NIAC proposals that
Are incremental in nature. There are other programs for continuing research or evolutionary technology development. NIAC seeks breakthrough concepts that could redefine the future possibilities for NASA.
Are narrowly focused. NIAC develops aerospace architecture, mission, or system concepts. The improvement of smaller constituents (e.g., subsystems, components, instruments, materials) alone is not the intent of this program.
Fail to identify a concept or stop short of developing it. The proposal must begin with a clear concept. A literature search, workshop, or research plan may be an interim step, but not an end in itself. The results must then be applied to assess and mature the concept.
Lack an architecture or mission context. Solely performing experiments on fundamental processes, analysis, or theoretical derivations is not sufficient. They must be clearly connected to a concept as described above.
This is an open announcement. NIAC proposals will be welcome from unaffiliated individuals, or those affiliated with any educational institution, commercial or not-for-profit organization, research laboratory, agency, or NASA Center (including JPL). The lead proposer must be a U.S. citizen or working in the U.S., but teaming by non-US organizations will be permitted, subject to NASA’s policy on foreign participation.
Obtain additional programmatic information from:
Dr. Jay Falker, NASA HQ
Full details will be in the NASA Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), which is posted in NSPIRES. One can register in NSPIRES to automatically receive email notification about new solicitations.
NASA press release....

NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Phase I Solicitation Now Open!
NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Phase I Solicitation Now Open!
The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Program seeks to inspire and nurture revolutionary concepts that could transform future aerospace endeavors. NIAC will fund early studies of visionary, long term concepts - aerospace architectures, systems, or missions (not focused technologies). The goal of NIAC is to give visionary ideas a chance. NASA recognizes that concepts to transform the future may come from innovators across the nation, so this exciting program is open to everyone. If you have a revolutionary concept that NASA should consider, you are encouraged to submit a NIAC proposal.
This solicitation NNH11ZUA001N is for NIAC Phase I studies. Typical awards will be up to $100K for a typical duration for up to 1 year. Phase I proposals are limited to 8 pages in length for the science/technical/ management section. Final proposals will be due May 2, 2011. Awards based on this solicitation are contingent on appropriated funds.
NRA Overview
The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Phase I studies are focused on early studies of visionary concepts. NASA will seek proposals that align with the agency's Space Technology Roadmaps and NASA's Space Technology Grand Challenges. These must be:
Aerospace architecture, mission, or system concepts
Revolutionary, yet technically substantiated
Very early development (TRL 1-2 or early 3; aiming 10 or more years out)
To further clarify, NASA is explicitly not soliciting NIAC proposals that
Are incremental in nature. There are other programs for continuing research or evolutionary technology development. NIAC seeks breakthrough concepts that could redefine the future possibilities for NASA.
Are narrowly focused. NIAC develops aerospace architecture, mission, or system concepts. The improvement of smaller constituents (e.g., subsystems, components, instruments, materials) alone is not the intent of this program.
Fail to identify a concept or stop short of developing it. The proposal must begin with a clear concept. A literature search, workshop, or research plan may be an interim step, but not an end in itself. The results must then be applied to assess and mature the concept.
Lack an architecture or mission context. Solely performing experiments on fundamental processes, analysis, or theoretical derivations is not sufficient. They must be clearly connected to a concept as described above.
This is an open announcement. NIAC proposals will be welcome from unaffiliated individuals, or those affiliated with any educational institution, commercial or not-for-profit organization, research laboratory, agency, or NASA Center (including JPL). The lead proposer must be a U.S. citizen or working in the U.S., but teaming by non-US organizations will be permitted, subject to NASA’s policy on foreign participation.
Obtain additional programmatic information from:
Dr. Jay Falker, NASA HQ
Full details will be in the NASA Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), which is posted in NSPIRES. One can register in NSPIRES to automatically receive email notification about new solicitations.