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iExaminer for iPhone 4 Liberates Fundus Exams
Ophthalmoscopes are widely used to help diagnose a variety of conditions, but much like traditional microscopes they can only be used by one person at a time and sharing what one sees requires, as the old saying goes, a thousand words.
The iExaminer from Intuitive Medical Technologies in Shreveport, Louisiana is a simple iPhone 4 attachment for the popular Welch Allyn PanOptic ophthalmoscope that lets you do fundus exams and share videos and images right from the iPhone.
The iExaminer app also walks users through a full eye exam including visual acuity, pupils, ocular motility, visual fields, intraocular pressure and cobalt blue light for external examination.
Because the unit is held with both hands, the patient is at arms length and the iPhone screen is viewed with both eyes allowing alignment to be more natural and comfortable for both practitioner and patient. The complete unit is extremely portable so now the camera can be taken to the patient instead of the patient being taken to the camera. It is also a valuable tool when seeing consults and debilitated patients. Photos can be printed wirelessly from anywhere there is a network connection. The iExaminer has been tested in a clinical setting and can be used by clinical technicians as well as practitioners. The iExaminer takes simultaneous video and high resolution photographs which allows the user to pick the best photos from the imaging session.
Ophthalmoscopes are widely used to help diagnose a variety of conditions, but much like traditional microscopes they can only be used by one person at a time and sharing what one sees requires, as the old saying goes, a thousand words.
The iExaminer from Intuitive Medical Technologies in Shreveport, Louisiana is a simple iPhone 4 attachment for the popular Welch Allyn PanOptic ophthalmoscope that lets you do fundus exams and share videos and images right from the iPhone.
The iExaminer app also walks users through a full eye exam including visual acuity, pupils, ocular motility, visual fields, intraocular pressure and cobalt blue light for external examination.
Because the unit is held with both hands, the patient is at arms length and the iPhone screen is viewed with both eyes allowing alignment to be more natural and comfortable for both practitioner and patient. The complete unit is extremely portable so now the camera can be taken to the patient instead of the patient being taken to the camera. It is also a valuable tool when seeing consults and debilitated patients. Photos can be printed wirelessly from anywhere there is a network connection. The iExaminer has been tested in a clinical setting and can be used by clinical technicians as well as practitioners. The iExaminer takes simultaneous video and high resolution photographs which allows the user to pick the best photos from the imaging session.