hey guys um what matrox drivers are u guys using for linux? because i have mandrake 9.2 and I dunno if iM sopposed to use the redhat 9 drivers.
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Coolest desktop...
Well you could try the universal SciTech SNAP 2D driver.
What Matrox do you have anyway?
The Parhelia is currently not yet supported but it should be supported by the driver release in Feb. ( this year!).
The SNAP driver is not for free, but you can test it for some time.cu/2 magog - Germany - flying with OS/2 Warp speed...in a vehicle named eComStation (eCS)
Author of the Java Movie Database - http://www.jmdb.de
JMDB v1.35 FINAL is available (2007-09-20)
Homepage: http://www.juergen-ulbts.de/
Where did you hear the linux driver will be released in Febuary? The driver I have now works great, but just wondering where you heard this, since Matrox never gives an ETA on driver releases.
LeechWah! Wah!
In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penises, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.
Oops, big DUH on my part. Though the SCITech driver would be 2D only, If I'd hazard a guess. Though they support OS/2 if I recall correctly, so that's pretty cool. Though that's one of the OS's I've never tried...
So far, my Parhelia is running quite nicely under linux(Now if GAIM would connect to Yahoo again.... I'm sure those GAIM hackers will fix it...)
LeechWah! Wah!
In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penises, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.