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DV500 cheaper and more flexible then rt2000

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  • DV500 cheaper and more flexible then rt2000

    Check out this link...

    for the specs on this new card from pinnacle. It will debut the same time as the rt2000 and work with ANY video card so those of us that would like to be able to upgrade video cards in the future (especially with these T&L cards on their way - I use lightwave 3D with highly complex models so spare the Geforge bashing, I know the g400 is great right now). You get all the functionality of the Rt2000 for MPEG2 analog input and firewire digital input as well as realtime transitions and effects and 3D acceleration through directX for 3D transition (though no one that considers themselves a good filmmaker should have much use for the page curl or diamond wipe). Plus it comes with Minerva Impression which will actually create self-executing MPEG2 CD-Rs that will run on any PC fast enough to decode MPEG2 in software. Plus it will sell for $899. And yes, it is he same C-Cube chips with 25mbits/stream...same quality (unlike the new ATI card which is nothing more than a toy)

    I was really looking forward to the RT2000 but now I can get to continue upgrading videocards without losing my editing ability or building another machine for games and 3D modeling.

    I'm not in any alliance with pinnacle, I just though those of you anticipating the RT2000 should be aware of this new development.

    My only unanswered question besides how both of these actually perform in the real world and day to day cutting is how is this new DV500 different than the DC1000. They seem to be very similar in features yet the DC1000 is much more with the DV addon.

    Curious what you guys think...
    Why is the word "monkey" so damn funny?

  • #2
    It sounds very interesting at the link you give. I find it strange that I can't find anything at all about the DV500 on Pinnacle's web site.


    • #3
      Thanks Doc,

      I'll wait for the RT2000



      • #4
        Hmmm... interesting spec, where do you see the release date? Is this a hacked page? I can not find any other information about this DV500.



        • #5
          Here's the deal on the absence of DV500 info. I talked to the guys at The Electronic Mailbox, easily the best retail store for NLE hardware. I work in Manhatten so I can visit and their tec staff know more about the products than the actual companies. Check them out at Anyway, their add for the DV500, which included final box art and all, was accidentally printed before the official press release by Pinnacle. Both the RT2000 and the DV500 are going to release around the middle of november. There will be displays and announcements about both at the DVEXPO which runs today through wednesday. Check out DV Magazine at When you call electronic mailbox you can actually talk to ediing pros that have hands on experience with all the products they sell. I've been assembling editing systems for 6 years so I'm quite familiar with these outlets (as I'm sure many of you are as well). The RT2000 will be great and in no way inferior to the DV500 but i personally don't want to love this editing system and then settle for weaker 3D performance in the longer term. $1200 is alot of money to spend to be cornered into anything. Ask anyone with a Rainbow runner Studio (mystique upgrade) It sucks to loose your editing when your 2d/3d gets tossed.

          So, the card is real and more like it are on the way, though Matrox and Pinnacle are the only companies (and Canopus of course) I would trust to continue driver tweaks and developement.

          I'm outta here
          Why is the word "monkey" so damn funny?


          • #6
            Thank you for the clarification. If DV500 is anything near the spec, I will go for it. I am in the same boat (2d/3d card options) I don't want to be limited to G400 in the life time of this video editting card.


            • #7
              There are a couple of things to
              remember where the DV500 is concerned.

              a) Beware anything made by Pinnacle
              b) Jan De Wever of the DV Raptor Forum
              saw a demonstration of the DV500
              in Europe and reported it was a total
              FIASCO. Didn't work. An embarrassment.

              Now... it's possible Pinnacle have fixed
              the problems they were having at their
              demo by now... but...


              • #8
                Allow me to clarify something here!

                The RT2000 is for the NLE who's in the business to make money, not play games.

                If your gonna spend $1200 on the RT KIT
                for video editing and play games, either your very rich or just like to splerg (kinda like me )

                Basically I have 2 systems setup one will be dedicated NLE system and one for everyday use i.e. games and e-mail.


                [This message has been edited by Elie (edited 19 October 1999).]


                • #9
                  I find it amusing the amount of FUD that has suddenly accumulated in this thread. This new thing from Pinnacle must be threatening to some. I know Pinnancle has their share of problems, but after more than a year with a Marvel G200, I've come to the conclusion Matrox's products aren't worth the crap I've gone through with this card, and there's no way Pinnancle could be any worse. (I'm sure some will disagree, but oh well). I have to agree with you, Dr. Alien. I don't want to be stuck with a G400, especially when the GeForce is looking to be an excellent amateur 3D workstation card. I dabble in 3D Studio Max myself, along with NLE, and the GeForce and a DV500 looks very tempting. I can't say the same for the G400. Matrox's support for OpenGL, NT and Win2K is still pitiful compared to NVidia's.

                  I have to laugh at a comment like "The RT2000 is for the NLE who's in the business to make money, not play games." My experience with the Marvel is I can't use it professionally to make money or play games on it decently. The GeForce is probably going to be a much more "professional" card than the G400 ever will be, if only because of the driver support. Admittedly, comparing the Marvel to a RT2000 is a bit unfair, but I can't help but be a bit soured by my experience.

                  Still, I'm waiting patiently for both to come out before making a decision. I think Pinnacle should send Chris an evaluation board.


                  [This message has been edited by Filmgeek (edited 19 October 1999).]


                  • #10
                    Hey Filmgeek,

                    Whether you compare the RT2000 to the Marvel G400 or the G400 to the Geforce your still compairing apples with oranges.

                    The Geforce is Nvidia's third or forth generation card where the G400 was to compete with the TNT2.

                    The RT2000 is a prosumer card where the Marvel G400 is aimed at the home hobbiest, so of coarse your not gonna make money with the Marvel.

                    And about OpenGL support with Matrox, have you been following the news lately???????

                    Maybe you should go and visit the Pinnacle forum and read the horror stories from people that actually own their product!



                    • #11
                      Yeah Elie, I've been keeping up with the news. Matrox has improved their OpenGL support. I still stand by my statement, though: Matrox's support for OpenGL, NT and Win2K is still pitiful compared to NVidia's.

                      And since Matrox is always a generation behind NVidia, what am I supposed to do, wait until Matrox comes out with their next card and then compare it to the GeForce? By that time Nvidia's next gen card will be out (or almost out) too. And the RT2000 is probably still going to have a G400. Anyway, this isn't just about the raw hardware capablities of any card, it's about driver support too.

                      I know there are Pinnacle horror stories out there. I've read some of them. But I have a year's worth of my own horror stories with my Marvel G200. It's all about choosing the lesser of two evils. I wasn't trying to compare the Marvel G400 with the RT2000, but they both share a G400 chip, and they're both made by Matrox (albeit by different divisions, whether that means noticeably better drivers remains to be seen). And I'm betting the RT2000 will not be upgradeable to the next gen Gx00 card, whatever that will be. Apples and oranges, yes, but I bought one hell of a rotten apple from this company. Makes me think their oranges aren't that sweet.


                      [This message has been edited by Filmgeek (edited 19 October 1999).]


                      • #12
                        Go ahead. Buy the Pinnacle. You'll
                        love it. Tee hee. Heh, heh. Hawwwwww!


                        • #13
                          There may be a reason why Matrox is a generation behind Nvidia.

                          I have to say that the G400's features are much better than the TNT2's in terms of 2D/3D speed and qualtiy i.e dual head, bump mapping, so ok Nvidia did release the Geforce but wait until Matrox and all the other companies releases their's, it'll be a much better product with much more features.

                          Let us not make any pre-mature statements on any product (RT2K or DV500)at the moment until we see reviews and actually experience them ourselves.

                          I'm sorry to here that you had so many problems with your Marvel, don't forget though we are here to help



                          • #14
                            Hello Jerrold

                            I did, some 5 months ago and I do.

                            DC30+ that is.


                            [This message has been edited by Pooh (edited 19 October 1999).]
                            ASUS P4S533, P4 2.53Ghz, 1.25Gb PC2700, 40Gb System HD 120Gb AV HD, WinXp Pro


                            • #15
                              Any capture card that supports both analog and digital but isn't tied to a particular 3D card sounds good to me.

                              I'm not a professional but I like throwing money at my hobby so as long as it lives up to its reputation (what reputation?) I'll give it serious thought.

