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  • TELETEXT Support

    I'm posting this message both on this forum and on "Matrox Hardware" forum in order to have, if possible, some support from Matrox People that are loking at these forums in obtaining some official answer.

    I've just sent an e-mail (see below) both to Matrox EHQ and to Matrox Italy about TELETEX support: as you can read below, I'm suspecting that TELETEXT is supported ONLY on Marvel/400, maybe due to a different tuner.

    If somebody is interested, please let me know by posting a reply: I'll keep him informed through this forum or by e-mail.


    ************************************************** ******************

    To: (Matrox Italy EHQ) (Matrox Italy Commercial Support) (Matrox EHQ)

    cc: (Matrox EHQ Tech Support) (Matrox Italy Tech Support)

    Subject: TELETEXT support on Marvel/200 and G400 MAX + Rainbow
    Runner G Series

    Good Morning,

    I bought a Marvel/200 in December 98 and a new G400 Max + RRG now.

    I contacted you several times in the past about TELETEXT support:

    - during last May you told me (by e-mail from Italy) that the new
    Video Tools would have the TELETEXT support; planned availability:
    end of June.

    - at the end of September I called by phone your Italian office and
    somebody told me that the new Video Tools (quite ready) would have

    - now I've downloaded the NEW Videotools 1.51 (Italian and English)
    version: NO VIDEOTEXT!!! again!!!

    I'm waiting SINCE December 1998!!!

    Looking at your Shop On-line I can read about MARVEL/400:


    "- Extensive TV tuning functionality on the PC
    Brings a new world of digital TV to the PC.

    · ......
    · Support for teletext.
    · ...... "

    Also reading on some forums (i.e. MURC) I've discovered that drivers
    included into Marvel/400 shipment box (seem to be 1.51) have TELETEXT

    MY QUESTIONS ARE (and now I'm really expecting your OFFICIAL position,
    let me say that now your "commercial fairness" is under discussion):

    1 - Will TELETEXT software be available both on Marvel/200 and G400+RRG?
    2 - If YES, WHEN?
    3 - If NO, will it be available on Marvel/400 only?

    I'm looking forward to having a fast (let me say immediate) answer
    from you.

    Best Regards


    ************************************************** ******************

  • #2

    1- Teletext will be available with the G400 series only.

    2- As an on going process we are working on making Teletext available as soon as possible.

    All comments and statements are purely of my own opinion and in no way reflect on my employer.


    • #3

      first many thanks for your fast answer;

      I'd like you clarify, if possible, what do you mean when you say:

      "Teletext will be available with the G400 series only"

      G400 series means Marvel/400 ONLY or also
      G400 + RRG Series?

      Olliver, it is important for me to well understand, because I could decide to keep
      G400+RRG or to sell-out them and buy a Marvel/400 (doesn't matter if Marvel/200 will not have Teletext, I'm going to "dismiss" it, because of the real G400 product excellece).

      Many thanks in advance



      • #4

        I apologize I should have been a little clearer.
        Those that have the Marvel G400 have Teletext as part of the SW released on the CD.
        Those that have the Millennium G400 / RRG combo will have to wait for it to be released
        on our website.
        I will look into this today and post back later.


        [This message has been edited by Olliver (edited 22 October 1999).]
        All comments and statements are purely of my own opinion and in no way reflect on my employer.


        • #5

          many thanks again!!

          Now I'm "quiet and happy".

          I'l look at Matrox website every...minute.

          It's a joke, of course (really every 5 minutes).

          Thanks again




          • #6
            I've just received an e-mail from Matrox Italy: I include both the original answer and a translation

            "Egregio Sig.........,
            il software per il televideo - nella sua prima versione, esattamente quella inclusa nella Marvel G400, e che verrà successivamente sviluppata e migliorata in futuro - sarà rilasciata sul WEB molto presto (spero entro una/due settimane al massimo)...
            Sarà compatibile con le schede RR-G e Marvel G200...
            Distinti saluti"

            "Dear Sir...,
            The TELETEXT software - in the first version, exactly the one included in the Marvel/400, and that will be enhanced in the future - will be released on the WEB site very soon (I hope by one/two weeks)...
            Best Regards

            As you can see we have to wait a bit.

            What is relevant is that Matrox Italy says
            that also Marvel/200 will be supported....

            Olliver, you said "no for Marvel/200".

            BTW, Olliver, why don't put on your WEB site a TELETEXT beta (as you did with 1.50 VT)?

            I think a lot of european people will appreciate it.



            • #7



              • #8
                The G400 Marvel comes with a piece of software called "teletext explorer". There wasn't any supporting documentation that I could find, and it took a call to Matrox to find out how it works.

                Using the version of PC-VCR that comes with the 1.51 video tools, there is a button underneath the channel up/down rocker. This will either be marked "CC" or have 3 horizontal lines. Press this button and it will bring up T.E for you.


                • #9
                  Hi This_Idiot,

                  thanks for the good news about Teletext; just a question: when you say

                  "Using the version of PC-VCR that comes with the 1.51 video tools, there is a button underneath the channel up/down rocker. This will either be marked "CC" or have 3 horizontal lines. Press this button and it will bring up T.E for you."

                  are you referring to 1.51 coming with Marvel/400?

                  I suppose this because i've found and tested the buttom you are speaking about: it comes RED but nothing happens; by the way, i've also find a similar "3 horizontal lines" symbol in the PC_VCR window showing channel nbr, volume and so on.
                  If I click on it, it comes highlighted but again nothing happens, and after also reclicking on it, it always stays "on" until I close PC-VCR.

                  Maybe, because of I'm using 1.51 downloaded from Matrox site, the"teletext Explorer" sw is not installed.

                  Do you think you could upload this "teletext explorer"?

                  In this case we could test it on our 1.51 version.

                  Many thanks in advance



                  • #10

                    You will need the Teletext Explorer program as well. Olliver said that this should be available for download from the Matrox site soon. I'll port it across to my main PC (this one) and see whether it works with G200 sometime tomorrow if I get time.

                    If TE were part of the VTs then I wouldn't mind hosting them (I don't think Matrox would mind), but it is a seperate application from Cebra Teletext, so I can't post it without their permission.


                    • #11

                      Thanks anyway; I understand and I agree with you about the fact that you can't post Teletext Explorer without Matrox permission.

                      I wait the Matrox upload; I hope all our postings will convince them to anticipate teletext availability as soon as possible.

                      By the way, if Matrox uses CEBRA software, I'm really happy: I've already used this sw on some non Matrox TV tuner cards and it works very well: stable and "user friendly"!!!

                      I really appreciate if you can test teletext on Marvel/200, informing us if it runs on it too.

                      Thanks again and have a good work (just while I'm writing this post I'm looking one more time, through my PC-VCR, some Suzuca images: I'm a bit sad and disappointed about Ferrari performance, you understand...I'm Italian...).



                      • #12
                        Hi Lorenzo,

                        well look on the bright side, at least Ferarri won the constructors championship. I felt sorry for Ron Dennis that Coulthard went out, I wonder what the cause was ? Odd place for a crash.

                        If you like F1, chck out

                        I'm sure that the version of Cebra that is supplies with the G400-TV is tailored to hook into PC-VCR, so I doubt that existing versions would work. I'll try and collar some one from Matrox tomorrow to see if I can find out when it will be available from the Matrox website


                        • #13
                          Hi This_idiot,

                          Many thanks for your support and sorry if I post this reply two times (I've just posted a reply but my Internet Provider went down so I don't know what really happened).

                          You are right, CEBRA sw is hooked to the TV Card sw, so it can be used only with that particular card it was "hooked to".
                          It is not in fact similar for example to the DVD Cinemaster thar we use in different versions on different cards without problems (or better with few problems).
                          Anyway it is a well done sw: Matrox did a good choice.

                          About F1: at the end of the History let me say that Mika Hakkinen has really deserved 1999 championship: yesterday he demonstrated to be the best driver today (and McLaren to be the best team).




                          • #14
                            Hi This_Idiot,

                            thanks for your test on Marvel, now I've only to wait for Martox upload.

                            Now I have one PC with G400Max + RRG and a second one with Marvel/200, so I can continue to use it, also if, after reading your review on Marvel/400, I'm really
                            "tickled" to catch a Marvel/400 for my work on Video and Teletext capture.

                            Damon is a skillful and hearty driver, what he needs, maybe, is a better car.



                            • #15
                              Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee Teletext Explorer!

