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  • #46
    That's right, even playing a VHS Video into a TV with teletext you can get some garbled text (which gives a clue about when the tape was recorded). With an SVHS vcr, the TELETEXT should be near perfect. Rather than using the tuner, try playing a tape and see if you get something.



    • #47
      Hi Sweeper,

      sorry, I didn't understand that you were using an external tuner; Vic is right, you should see teletext.

      This_Idiot told us (see some previous posts) that he tested TELETEXT as you are doing and it was working.

      I really don't understand you can't see teletext.

      My fist tests are fine: I can open multiple teletext windows with the same TV channel, looking at different pages/subpages; I can change fonts; I can save multiple pages on a file.

      Matrox and CEBRA have really done a very good SW.

      It has been worthwhile to wait!!!!



      • #48,

        I'm using 5.25.019 PD drivers and VT 1.51.024. This worked for me with both G400-TV and G200 marvel.

        Sweeper, my G200 Marvel is the UK version and does not have a built-in tuner. As you suggest, I used my VCR as tuner, selected "line-in" on PC-VCR and then hit the teletext button on the PC-CVR remote. Worked fine


        • #49
          My problem is I dont have any button
          on the remote for the teletext
          Just got an email with a picture of the
          remote with the button and where it should be
          there isn't any. (I hope this works)
          Check it out below..


          • #50

            You wrote:
            I'm using 5.25.019 PD drivers and VT 1.51.024. This worked for me with both G400-TV and G200 marvel.

            Do you think that Teletext Explorer would be happy if I upgrade from 4.26 drivers, because it wants newer drivers and presumably vid tools than I'm running.

            dave m
            Don't make me angry...


            • #51

              Yes, you HAVE to have the 1.51 videotools, and those require PD 5.25 upwards.

              Lundberg, I'm stumped. I'm using the drivers that came with the G400-TV, NOT the downloaded versions but these should be the same. Did you install to the default directory or specify a different location ?


              • #52
                I see back in this thread that Lundberg has a G100. Surely this couldn't be the reason that he can't get the TELETEXT can it?


                • #53
                  Thanks Chris,
                  I'll try the vidtools/driver upgrade and let you all know what happens.
                  Don't make me angry...


                  • #54

                    I was about to suggest that myself last night until I went back and read the release notes published on the Matrox site. The capture facility belongs to the RR, not to the base card, and the release notes specifically state that they cover both G200 and 400 Marvels and G series Rainbow Runners.

                    I can't write it out of the equation, but it isn't looking likely to me. Regardless of the hardware, the drivers should show the TT button even if pressing it doesn't activate the TT explorer.

                    I can only think that Lundberg has gotten hold of a duff driver set although the series number seems to check out. I'd offer to email them but they are just too big ! Ant has them on the download section of the main MURC site


                    • #55
                      I still cannot run TT. All I get is something like "Cannot initialize ctserver". May be somebody has an idea what it could mean?


                      • #56

                        How are you trying to access the TTexplorer software ? I got the same error message when I tried to load up TT explorer from tehe start menu, but it works fine when accessed from the teletext button within PC-VCR.

                        It won't run standalone, since it relies on PC-VCR to make the channel selection


                        • #57
                          This_Idiot and the rest
                          I will do a uninstall of my drivers and
                          install the drivers that I'm downloading
                          from Ant's page. Hopefully that will work.

                          Perhaps it will even remove the very annoying
                          big square that keeps poping up around the
                          mouse pointer now and then.

                          <font size="-1">Also I really hope I soon can get my hand on a G400 MAX. Dame that is so hard getting a hold of one (at reasonble price)</font>




                          • #58
                            To: This_Idiot
                            I cannot thank you too much. I put in the new drivers and vid tools (as of tonight's versions downloaded from Matrox) and it all works beautifully (Several sweaty moments getting there, and a couple of safe modes, but after all 4.26 to 5.30 was a big jump). But now Teletext, everything else works great.

                            MURC... did it again...

                            What's UBB for lot's of happy faces?


                            Don't make me angry...


                            • #59
                              The teletext button was not there for me either, after I installed Teletext Explorer. I had to delete my video card and powerdesk etc from settings,(I was running very old drivers(4.26) and powerdesk (original) by the way)) then re-installed the latest drivers and powerdesk (on a Marvel G200) Then all worked well.

                              Don't make me angry...


                              • #60

                                Reading Daves post makes me wonder whether the Uninstall utility is doing the job properly. I seem to remember when it was released there was a caveat about it not fully uninstalling older driver versions.

                                At any rate, I always use the windows uninstaller to remove the video tools first, then use the PD uninstaller. Then run regclean, then hand pick the registry for any Matrox entries.

