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RR & drivers for 2K/XP with MJPEG

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  • #91
    Where did they go?

    I downloaded the drivers last fall, but my web site link is now dead.

    Have the drivers been updated, and if so, where are they now?


    • #92
      Oki... after struggling for days trying to get the Marvel box to deliver sound to my system I finally gave up
      After a few attempts trying to fix my problems by editing the registry, things just got worse, and my tuner didnt work at all anymore ---

      ---- so I did a clean reinstallation of windoze

      ... and now (for some strange reason) everything works as it should :-) I even have sound on my Marvel


      • #93
        Here is the listing I'm working to for G400/RRG.

        I repeat this is for RRG - Not RRS! There is no know patch yet for XP andRRS! Nicram and co are apparently still wroking on it.

        Video Drivers 5.86 (5.86.032)
        VT version vt_210a (2.10.010a)
        MV-vtools-2.10.010a-eng-2K-XP (disables macrovision)
        rr update for (patches for XP)
        PICVideo MJPEG Codec Loaded
        HUFFYUY2 Codec Loaded
        yuy2w2k.exe loaded to enabled or disable YUY2 if needed

        Havent as yet got it working - but very anxious to see if it works for me!

        The difference I see here is that it states Drivers 5.86 where as you state this correct?


        • #94
          This link should work too :
          A CRAY is the only computer that runs an endless loop in just 4 hours...


          • #95
            Nicram....Good to get a hold of you....

            I was going to ask you....

            1. What version BIOS should be running on my G400 DH 32 MB SGRAM card - does it matter?

            2. How do I nstall the 210.10 pack? It's not a self extracter I simply copy the files over to the folder and over the ones already there?


            • #96

              file not 210....sorry to mislead you....


              • #97
                I have the red button!
                Thank you Nicram!

                Your patch worked fine here.
                No audio problems.

                Win XP
                G400 DH (bios 2.1 b35 / drivers 2kxp_586)
                RRunner G (drivers vt_210a)


                • #98
                  Job in zip should be .txt files. Read it
                  I don't know about any BIOS version that don't work. Just use newst
                  A CRAY is the only computer that runs an endless loop in just 4 hours...


                  • #99
                    Wel!!!...I have the red Button too...

                    Worked a treat!...until....

                    I went to record....I can record - but it is very unstable.
                    Played aound with it all weekend, but the MJPEG capture was dropping 50frames per 5 minutes or would fail to intiate video capture and I would only capture sound. YUY2 is no problem at all - but to files only allow 18mins on 25GB!!!

                    I have now gone back to the dual boot option with XP as my default but 98Se for caputre purposes until when/if I can sort things out better.

                    Premiere in XP seemed okay but a few niggles have left me a little suspcious - so time will tell there.....

                    Anyway - Nicram!/Flipe - Thanks a mill. The picture and the sound is great!

                    Oh - I havent been able to record with VDub either yet. More work there for me.



                    • I want do install capture drivers for my rainbow runner STUDIO (Mystique) on Windows 2000. I don't need MJPEG as I will only be capturing 5 minute clips and have loads of disk space.

                      It looks like if I could get my hands on this file - - I would be able to install the NT capture drivers, but the site - - is down.....

                      Any ideas (or new links)?



                      • If you've read the thread....

                        this patch is only for the RRG not the RRS.
                        If you only want to capture 5mins - I have no problems with that with my G400Dually+RRG on a Via266DDRX mobo - but files any greater than 400MB and I get a file error.


                        • Originally posted by andyjustice
                          I want do install capture drivers for my rainbow runner STUDIO (Mystique) on Windows 2000. I don't need MJPEG as I will only be capturing 5 minute clips and have loads of disk space.

                          It looks like if I could get my hands on this file - - I would be able to install the NT capture drivers, but the site - - is down.....

                          Any ideas (or new links)?

                 here is new link to my page

                          There you can download NEW VideoTools 02.04.15a



                          • And other Marvel G400-TV users who wants to enable this card on WinXP - visit my page

                            This works fine and stable!

                            Enjoy in you G400-TV/WinXP system!



                            • Thanks for the new link.

                              I want to be able to install the RRStudio (Mystique - not Gxxx series) WinNT drivers on Win2K.

                              At the moment if I try installing Video Tools i get "PowerDesk Not Installed" (when it is) and if I install the driver i get a "This installation is for Windows NT 4 only" error.


                              • YEs - unfortunately....

                                you'll have to sit in the que like most of us for a couple of years....

                                So far I think there is Nicram's RRG patch and Adis's Marvel Patch for XP (no red button) - but not one for the RRS Mystique for 2K AFAIK....
                                I think you might be more successfull with a setup for XP now - 2K was an interim package...XP will be 'round for a few year - like 98SE....

