Laurie, not a bad effort from someone who lives on an island...

I'm sorry to see that Jeff has deleted his first post. It was a long, rambling, bizarre, original piece of prose. It was exactly what I wanted to see. It's now been banished into the ozone. Why Jeff, why?

As much as almost any kind of humour is better than none, what I had more in mind as opposed to generic jokes was simply good natured kibitzing between forum members in the various threads. Many of the threads in this forum used to take off in all sorts of interesting, unexpected directions after the original, technical question was dealt with. That's what I've always enjoyed. A good example of this is the current thread about the Canon Elura. It has evolved into a fascinating thread about fresh water fishing and man eating muskies.

And yes, as Chris has already stated, we even talk about hockey here occasionally. (Elie, Haig, where are you guys?)