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New info on Vegas Video 4

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  • #16

    It is sad to see someone with so much technical knowledge as yourself bash admirers of a particular software package. I made the switch myself from Premiere to VV3 about a year ago after giving Ulead MS Pro a try (actually I tried 2.5 and 5.0 long ago and gave up). Sure, I could try a more recent MS Pro demo, but guess I used up my patience for now and besides the plug-ins issue I'm a happy camper.

    On that subject (plug-ins), isn't it amazing that free software is being made and that dozens of sample projects are being shared on the net to get both newcomers and experienced users going ? Or that tutorials float around made by VV users ?

    Don't treat all the VV users the same way ! And to the poster (can't see the name from this window), keep on posting, this is a forum for Desktop Video (not just Matrox or Ulead,etc...) , Idiot wanted it that way !


    VV ressources here :

    - Creative Cow forum (stuff on VV4 appearing here now) :

    - VV Tutorial :

    - Free PluginPac :

    - Sundance Veggie Sharing page (requires registration) :


    • #17
      No need for you to feel sad as I'm simply calling it the way I see it where certain Sonic Foundry extremists are concerned.

      By the way, some analysts believe Vegas *is* going to be among the 'video & audio' products that will be sold by Sonic Foundry, according to this article:

      "Ray Unger, president of Unger Capital Management in Madison and a Sonic shareholder, thinks the company will sell the audio and video editing software that started the business in 1991."

      'That appears to be the low end of the totem pole,' he (Unger) said.


      ...would anybody care to guess which company - in this economic climate - would have any interest in buying Vegas?

      How about Pinnacle?

      They've been in an acquisition mode for years, it seems.

      They bought all of the FAST video editing products.

      They bought all of the TRUEVISION hardware products.

      Any other possibilities?

      Jerry Jones
      I found a great domain name for sale on Check it out!


      • #18
        If Vegas is sold, I only hope the buyer knows what they're getting and that messing with the DV codec in Vegas, or whatever they rename it, would be a big mistake. Of course, they could also recruit and hire a big batch of Sonic engineers who know how Vegas is put together. It really does make superb DV. If Vegas goes, it will be a sad day.


        • #19
          I wonder if ROXIO would be interested in Vegas.

          ROXIO acquired the Adaptec CD burning software.

          ROXIO acquired the VideoWave consumer editing product from MGI.

          I don't think ROXIO has an entry in the prosumer category.

          Jerry Jones
          I found a great domain name for sale on Check it out!


          • #20
            IMHO either Roxio or Pinnacle would ruin it for sure.

            Not that I care, since I won't buy anything with WPA-like hardware locked activation/registration requirements.

            If what's in the box is not 100% of what I need to run it and re-install it when necessary, I ain't buying.


