I bought a Showshifter license and because of that I have to use it now and then, although I agree to your views concerning the interface and the proprietary format. It works reasonably well for the "record today - watch tomorrow" kinda jobs.
FlyTV hasn´t convinced me either, ´though it looks promising. I tends to default to mono recording, and manually switching to stereo mode resulted in dirty audio, like the off-frequency flaws in WinDVR.
I found out in a very early state that IUVCR is definately not my kind of thing.
And as for the Terratec software. Unless they´ve released something very recently, I think you refer to WDM Software Version, which was released early March. Apart from the fact that it isn´t beta anymore, it doesn´t differ from the beta release. It certainly won´t fix our problems. It even managed to screw up my HuffYUV capture once!
FlyTV hasn´t convinced me either, ´though it looks promising. I tends to default to mono recording, and manually switching to stereo mode resulted in dirty audio, like the off-frequency flaws in WinDVR.
I found out in a very early state that IUVCR is definately not my kind of thing.
And as for the Terratec software. Unless they´ve released something very recently, I think you refer to WDM Software Version, which was released early March. Apart from the fact that it isn´t beta anymore, it doesn´t differ from the beta release. It certainly won´t fix our problems. It even managed to screw up my HuffYUV capture once!