Has anybody used or read a review of the Belkin 2 port Omnicube keyboard/video/mouse switcher? I need a good electronic switcher to go between my current PC and the new one I'm building and I'd like to know what you guys think of Belkin. [url]http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Merchant_Id=1&Section_Id= 56&pcount=&Product_Id=12881&Section.Section_Path=% 2FRoot%2FPeripheralSharing%2FKVMSwitches%2F#[/url ]
Also, what do you think of the Antec ATX SX1030 case? I saw one today and fell in lust. I need a case with good cooling, strong(and quiet) power supply, and four 5 1/4" bays. http://www.antec-inc.com/product/cases/perfo.html
You kind folk gave me excellent advice on which mobo & CPU to buy (Asus CULS-2 & PIII 800EB FCPGA) so I thought I'd try my luck again.
[This message has been edited by Riddek (edited 28 September 2000).]
Has anybody used or read a review of the Belkin 2 port Omnicube keyboard/video/mouse switcher? I need a good electronic switcher to go between my current PC and the new one I'm building and I'd like to know what you guys think of Belkin. [url]http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Merchant_Id=1&Section_Id= 56&pcount=&Product_Id=12881&Section.Section_Path=% 2FRoot%2FPeripheralSharing%2FKVMSwitches%2F#[/url ]
Also, what do you think of the Antec ATX SX1030 case? I saw one today and fell in lust. I need a case with good cooling, strong(and quiet) power supply, and four 5 1/4" bays. http://www.antec-inc.com/product/cases/perfo.html
You kind folk gave me excellent advice on which mobo & CPU to buy (Asus CULS-2 & PIII 800EB FCPGA) so I thought I'd try my luck again.
[This message has been edited by Riddek (edited 28 September 2000).]