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VideoTools 3.02

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  • #16
    ... well, what help do you need? I haven't been programming on assembler for a while ...

    - cxx


    • #17
      cool! your doing this yourself, that's impressive.
      ASUS P2B-DS REV 1.06 D03 w/ DUAL 1.4GHZ Tualatins; Matrox Parhelia; M-Audio Delta 410

      Apple Powerbook G4 - 1.33GHZ


      • #18


        • #19
          Adis, I have couple of bug reports and some suggestions for improvement of VT. It's quite comprehensive so I will send you an E-mail.

          Uostalom lakše æemo se razumeti.


          • #20
            Jebote koliko je "jugoslovena" ovdje

            Jebes bugove i sugestije kad sam radim na ovome...


            • #21
              Danas, kada postajem pionir, dajem casnu pionirsku rijec:
              Da cu marljivo uciti i raditi i biti dobar drug;
              Da cu voljeti našu samoupravnu domovinu Socijalisticku Federativnu Republiku Jugoslaviju;
              Da cu razvijati bratstvo i jedinstvo i ideje za koje se borio Tito;
              Da cu cijeniti sve ljude svijeta koji žele slobodu i mir!


              • #22
                Jes' vala, i ja sam se u to zakleo.

                Hej sloveni, još ste živi vi duh naših dedova;
                Dok za narod srce bije njihovih sinova!
                Mi stojimo postojano kao klisurine;
                Proklet bio izdajica svoje domovine!

                Jebo te, koja smo sekta.


                • #23
                  Sjecas se ovoga...
                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    Boga mi ne seæam se tog pamfleta, al' zakletvu znam da ti izrecitujem u po noæi, kao i svaki dobar pionir.

                    Nego, proveri mail (onaj koji si ostavio na sajtu).



                    • #25
                      did your drivers can fix this (old) problem with the original matrox drivers?
                      The problem is that in the event log, system folder, every time system starts, I have a message of this kind:
                      "impossible to start the Driver Matrox WDM capture/crossbar service"...
                      Can your new driver fix this?


                      • #26
                        gigirex, I think that it has nothing to do with Matrox driver, which is VfW (not WDM) in it's nature, rather with yours Win setup.


                        • #27
                          hi, is it possible to use vegas video with matrox VT 3.02 + PD 5.82 drivers ? It seems Vegas requires to have a pure WDM driver for capturing... please let me know if you can use matrox RRG+G400 under windows xp prof. sp1 installed using it with vegas video.

                          thanks in advance


                          • #28
                            ste - I've brought this issue up on a couple of occasions, both in the Desktop Video forum here and over in the Video Tools forum on Matrox's web site. The PowerDesk drivers &/or Video Tools pretty much take over once they're installed. You'll find the same behavior, by the way, with Windows Movie Maker and Windows Messenger (they need WDM capture drivers exclusively). During the initial installation of Windows XP Pro SP1, my G400-TV Marvel card was recognized as a "Matrox Marvel G400 AGP" card, and Windows Setup installed 'native' Microsoft WDM drivers for the card. The capture device was listed as "Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32)", and worked in AVI_IO, VirtualDub, Windows Movie Maker, and Windows Messenger. That is, it worked until (any version of) the PowerDesk drivers &/or Video Tools (for WinXP) were installed, at which point the WDM capture device/drivers became unusable (Error message), even though each of the above applications listed it as a selectable capture device. Sounds like your app, like Windows Movie Maker, needs WDM drivers and burps on VFW drivers, such as PowerDesk & Video Tools. Of course, the PowerDesk drivers & Video Tools give you many addition options over the 'native' drivers, so ... it's a decision you'll have to make re: whether to go with the native WDM drivers from Microsoft, or install PD/VT. Personally, I have GHOST images of my System & Programs partitions, one loaded with and the other loaded without PD/VT. Perhaps there's a better solution to this, but it's the best I've been able to come up with.


                            • #29
                              thanks for the reply.
                              So how/what should i install ? Take in mind that i already have windows xp sp1 installed ... and don't want to reinstall. Have i to remove the VT 3.02 software ? how to reinstall native microsoft video capture drivers under winxp? I need to use it with vegas video( need to have a native xp wdm driver...)




                              • #30
                                Cannot find Video Tool

                                Hi there,

                                I seem cannot find a download link to the Video Tool v3.02. Are you still working on it? Or is there some place else I can find it from.
                                My problem was the macro vision in the matrox G-400 marvel. and the black borders in the captured clips.

                                So can you please write to with these details quickly? I’m much much desperate.

                                My email address
                                I Lived to Die Another Day

