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Matrox VideoTools for Windows 2K/XP

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  • #31
    Thanks. Attached a .jpg from the captured video. When the file plays there's its flickering and jerky; the sound is ok.

    I installed latest VIA Hyperion drivers (4.49), and I use a separate partition for capturing.

    Thanks again.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by suitkees; 24 October 2003, 15:28.


    • #32
      It is typical for interlaced video.
      If you wanna play it in PC just use any deinterlacing tool
      Like a deinterlaced filter in VirtualDub


      • #33
        Don't think it's a playback problem (YUY2 captures play back fine), and I suppose PCVCR should be able to play back its own captures... I only have the problem with mjpeg captures (dropped frames while capturing, lousy playback).


        • #34
          I tried capturing in MJPEG at full resolution, 30fps using PC-VCR. The first 30-40 seconds, the video was fine but the rest has no video at all, picture becomes unwatchable, but the sound keeps on playing.


          • #35

            It's driver problem...
            That's why Matrox stopped support...
            Stupid Microsoft and their secrets about Windows structure...


            • #36
              I just want to add that I'm using Win2K with SP4, using VT 3.03 and the latest drivers from Adis. But this problem doesn't always happen after 30-40 seconds, the first time, I was able to watch the first minute of the video without any problems. I used PC-VCR to capture to MJPEG. So, is there a way to use mjpeg without any problems? I didn't notice other users having the same problem as me.


              • #37
                Originally posted by bytezboy
                So, is there a way to use mjpeg without any problems? I didn't notice other users having the same problem as me.
                I have this problem also.
                Sometimes after 5 seconds
                and sometimes after 30 minutes or more...

                That's why I said "Stupid Microsoft and their secrets".
                I'm sure it's possible to make perfect working drivers for
                Win2K/XP but it's hard because We haven't some important
                informations from Microsoft about Windows 2K/XP structure.


                • #38
                  Hi, same prob for me with vt3.03 on XP. YUY2(->picvideo) captures are OK, but Virtualdub cannot capture anything into MJPEG(Matrox2k3) directly. Strangely enough PC-VCR seems to capture MJPEG OK. Playing back those PC-VCR captured MJPEG movies take up 60% of CPU time(Athlon @1.92GHz) and have the interlacing stripes what can be seen on suitkees' attachment. VT2.04 plays back MJPEGs OK. Do you have any ideas?


                  • #39
                    The guys that made the Linux driver had the same problem with artifacts at the top of the page and fixed it somehow. I think modifying the canvas that the video is on or something like that? Then again Linux isn't too big on secrets.
                    Last edited by Kabal; 29 October 2003, 16:53.
                    AMD Athlon XP 1145 Mhz
                    American Megatrends Inc. 07.00T, 4/2/2001 Bios
                    512 MB SpecTek PC2100 DDR SDRAM
                    Matrox Marvel G400 MAX
                    80 GB Western Digital HDD
                    Windows XP Pro SP1

