Appreciate all of the useful advice thus far on this forum. I'm trying to take some mjpeg files I made when I had my G400TV card and convert them to mpeg2 for DVD. I bought Picvideo to read the MJPEGs. I'm getting a thin flashing line off and on at the top of the mpeg video files on playback. I'm setting the field order to A and I am not deinterlacing -- should I be? Also, is Picvideo the way to go here? Any advice at this stage on converting the mjpegs and making a DVD would be appreciated.
One more thing. If I want to send mjpeg files to a VHS tape, can I just convert them to DV files? My Canopus converter will only allow ditial input into the VCR.
Appreciate all of the useful advice thus far on this forum. I'm trying to take some mjpeg files I made when I had my G400TV card and convert them to mpeg2 for DVD. I bought Picvideo to read the MJPEGs. I'm getting a thin flashing line off and on at the top of the mpeg video files on playback. I'm setting the field order to A and I am not deinterlacing -- should I be? Also, is Picvideo the way to go here? Any advice at this stage on converting the mjpegs and making a DVD would be appreciated.
One more thing. If I want to send mjpeg files to a VHS tape, can I just convert them to DV files? My Canopus converter will only allow ditial input into the VCR.