Win2K is actually the better option at this point as release Win2K drivers are on the horizon.
MSPro6: no problems
Marvel/RR-G: once the full release of the Win2K drivers appear, no problems. Now: a bit unstable. Win2K drivers shouldn't be too far off.
Disks: both allow you to use FAT32 or NTFS volumes. NTFS is the way to go as there is no real limit on file sizes other than those imposed by your software.
Dr. Mordrid
[This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 16 March 2001).]
MSPro6: no problems
Marvel/RR-G: once the full release of the Win2K drivers appear, no problems. Now: a bit unstable. Win2K drivers shouldn't be too far off.
Disks: both allow you to use FAT32 or NTFS volumes. NTFS is the way to go as there is no real limit on file sizes other than those imposed by your software.
Dr. Mordrid
[This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 16 March 2001).]