Originally posted by az
BTW, 35mm lenses cap out at ~11mp, where the 1Ds is at the moment - Oly claim 4/3 lenses have twice the resolution potential.
BTW, 35mm lenses cap out at ~11mp, where the 1Ds is at the moment - Oly claim 4/3 lenses have twice the resolution potential.
Oh, and yes, dSLRs likely have some electronic vignetting reduction, to compensate those effects to some extent. BTW, 4/3 lenses have all kinds of information stored in them (as well as user upgradable firmware in the cam, lens, and flash!), they tell the cam what kind of distortions they have (every lens has a little), which includes this info in the picture file, I think, so that software can autocorrect it with the optimal values for each lens.

The light fall-off is dependent on the aperture, focal distance and perhaps some distance factor, but this information is currently present in NEF-files. I'm not 100% sure to what extent this information is taken into account in both the camera and software (the lenses I use have a large aperture (f/2.8), so it could be that the light fall-off compensation is not required... (I really should test this further)
Maybe the cam does some kind of correction itself, too, I don't know. Oh, and the lens info is used to adjust the flash zoom motor, etc.
Bottom line, this is a system designed for digital, with less compromises than existing dSLR systems, which are basically aSLRs with digital backs. Sad though that Oly didn't keep their ingenious prism system instead of the mirror they had in the previous E cams.. it allowed you to use both the LCD and view finder for preview, as with a conventional digicam with EVF (only that it was no EVF).
The prism had two major disadvantages: only half of the incoming light reached the imaging sensor (requiring this to be more sensitive, which in turn might impact the noise levels), but also only half of the light reached the viewfinder, resulting in a relatively dark viewfinder.