Going to put together a couple of systems for a new business. Two W2K Pro machines, no server. The guy wants a inexpensive tape backup, and I was looking at the Seagate 20GB Tapestore TR5 Travan EIDE. Nothing wrong with SCSI, but trying to keep costs down and simplicity is a good thing, so EIDE looks like it. It comes with Veritas Backup Exec, which I have had issues using on W2K before. I would think that it would be a newer version that would operate correctly with W2K. So my questions are twofold...
1) Do the newest versions of Backup Exec have issues with W2K?
2)and more importantly, does anyone have any kind of experiance with the Seagate TR5 Travan?
I don't want to order them a piece of junk, but they aren't gonna pop for a Tandberg drive...
1) Do the newest versions of Backup Exec have issues with W2K?
2)and more importantly, does anyone have any kind of experiance with the Seagate TR5 Travan?
I don't want to order them a piece of junk, but they aren't gonna pop for a Tandberg drive...