any bugs/side effects ! in DX8a + new capture update that should keep me from installing it on a newly re-installed win2k system... i 'll be running on Premiere6 , After effects, maybe MSP6 mostly dealing with DV... this may get shifted to desktop video section... i did not know where to post !
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Asus P2B @ 100Mhz
PIII 800 / 133Mhz running @100MHZ = 600MHZ!!! VIA Asus Slotkey
SimpleTECH 128MB X 3/ 100Mhz
IBM 9.GB Ultrawide Scsi LVD
IBM 18gb secondary drive @ 7200
Maxtor 37GB storage drive @ 5400
Marvel G200 TV
Microtek E6 scanner via scsi card {adaptec 1502}
HP CD12ri CDRW 12X10X32 BurnProof!
Creative Infra48 CD ROM
Creative AWE64 Gold [ISA]
Realtek Chip NIC 10/100
21' Samsung Syncmaster 1000p
Firewire card
Mini USB hub
8 port Compex 10/100 hub
Sandisk Reader - USB
Cordless Logitec Mouse
Iomega Zip100 [the old ugly one!]
HP 1220 C - A3 printerTags: None
actually i have not installed DX8 at all yet... i guess i should right... it does help in the video editing... right ?Asus P2B @ 100Mhz
PIII 800 / 133Mhz running @100MHZ = 600MHZ!!! VIA Asus Slotkey
SimpleTECH 128MB X 3/ 100Mhz
IBM 9.GB Ultrawide Scsi LVD
IBM 18gb secondary drive @ 7200
Maxtor 37GB storage drive @ 5400
Marvel G200 TV
Microtek E6 scanner via scsi card {adaptec 1502}
HP CD12ri CDRW 12X10X32 BurnProof!
Creative Infra48 CD ROM
Creative AWE64 Gold [ISA]
Realtek Chip NIC 10/100
21' Samsung Syncmaster 1000p
Firewire card
Mini USB hub
8 port Compex 10/100 hub
Sandisk Reader - USB
Cordless Logitec Mouse
Iomega Zip100 [the old ugly one!]
HP 1220 C - A3 printer
Thanx Ayoub i have checked it out... actaully that is what prompted me to ask my question ! Jus in case !
Should i install DX8a+ DV patch before or after the installation of Matrox drivers and VT, and permiere of after !?! Which replaces files from the other !?
Win2k SP2 is already installedAsus P2B @ 100Mhz
PIII 800 / 133Mhz running @100MHZ = 600MHZ!!! VIA Asus Slotkey
SimpleTECH 128MB X 3/ 100Mhz
IBM 9.GB Ultrawide Scsi LVD
IBM 18gb secondary drive @ 7200
Maxtor 37GB storage drive @ 5400
Marvel G200 TV
Microtek E6 scanner via scsi card {adaptec 1502}
HP CD12ri CDRW 12X10X32 BurnProof!
Creative Infra48 CD ROM
Creative AWE64 Gold [ISA]
Realtek Chip NIC 10/100
21' Samsung Syncmaster 1000p
Firewire card
Mini USB hub
8 port Compex 10/100 hub
Sandisk Reader - USB
Cordless Logitec Mouse
Iomega Zip100 [the old ugly one!]
HP 1220 C - A3 printer
Well i installed DX8 on my Win2k rig... IT CRASHED WINDOWS ! Windows would not load ! I woud ge the BSOD everytime after the installation reboot ! Great I had to re-install windows losing all my latest e-mails ! Well i guess i wpn't be nstalling it again !Asus P2B @ 100Mhz
PIII 800 / 133Mhz running @100MHZ = 600MHZ!!! VIA Asus Slotkey
SimpleTECH 128MB X 3/ 100Mhz
IBM 9.GB Ultrawide Scsi LVD
IBM 18gb secondary drive @ 7200
Maxtor 37GB storage drive @ 5400
Marvel G200 TV
Microtek E6 scanner via scsi card {adaptec 1502}
HP CD12ri CDRW 12X10X32 BurnProof!
Creative Infra48 CD ROM
Creative AWE64 Gold [ISA]
Realtek Chip NIC 10/100
21' Samsung Syncmaster 1000p
Firewire card
Mini USB hub
8 port Compex 10/100 hub
Sandisk Reader - USB
Cordless Logitec Mouse
Iomega Zip100 [the old ugly one!]
HP 1220 C - A3 printer
As a matter of interest - how exactly did you go about determining that the DX8 patches was the actual cause of the screw-up? - was it was not maybe the only software that could not tollerate being screwed around with under very "iffy" conditions?
I know for instance that you are running WinonCd3.8 (and most likely ECDC5/Nero too?) in combination with that there brand new HP12 CDRW of yours - and not one of those actually support the drive!?
Personally, I have applied those pathches on around 108 of my customers machines with not a single complaint. My own 2 machines are quite happy with them as well.Lawrence
well to be honest i don't know what to think anymore ! I a mtured f getting a machine tht works well ! I knw i expect too much at times, but all i want right now is a stable running machine that will allow me to do DV editing on premiere6 and after effects 5. It does need to have attached to it a few too many peripherals SCSI [ISA] Adaptec Card for mi Microtek Scanner as well as a new CD-Writer... gosh if you're behing you're damned and if you're ahead you're damned !
I have just re-installed windows to a new directory... the only things i have installed are my OUTLOOK restored files, my hardware drivers, except the ISA scsi card [Adaptec 1502]. I have not yet even installed SP2. What are the best steps to get the system running and stable. I know i have asked this the last time i did this... a week ago... ! Bare with me!Asus P2B @ 100Mhz
PIII 800 / 133Mhz running @100MHZ = 600MHZ!!! VIA Asus Slotkey
SimpleTECH 128MB X 3/ 100Mhz
IBM 9.GB Ultrawide Scsi LVD
IBM 18gb secondary drive @ 7200
Maxtor 37GB storage drive @ 5400
Marvel G200 TV
Microtek E6 scanner via scsi card {adaptec 1502}
HP CD12ri CDRW 12X10X32 BurnProof!
Creative Infra48 CD ROM
Creative AWE64 Gold [ISA]
Realtek Chip NIC 10/100
21' Samsung Syncmaster 1000p
Firewire card
Mini USB hub
8 port Compex 10/100 hub
Sandisk Reader - USB
Cordless Logitec Mouse
Iomega Zip100 [the old ugly one!]
HP 1220 C - A3 printer
"I have just re-installed windows to a new directory"
I would say that is a waste of time on a machine with a wonky hw/sw combination.
Dump that sucker totally - format and really clean install W2K with only the hardware in the machine that you need to run the OS - nothing more. Install SP2 and then DX8. Then one item at a time, fit a new piece of hardware, boot, and if all is well install that particular hw drivers . Once you have all your hardware running on the machine, do the same with only supported (by your hardware) software.
You sure about the bios on that P2B being the correct one for running a Piii800 133fsb?
edit - Looking at a later post by Maggi - you are waisting your time and should not be running that Piii800 133fsb on the P2B at all - see edited by LvR; 6 September 2001, 07:48.Lawrence
not at all being defensive... but what makes you say my setup is wonky ? is it the specs, amount of rig i slapped on it... I mean technically... i'm not being sarcastic either, honestly !
U think a reformat and a clean install may help clean out some stuff!? i thought installing to a clean directory mor or less does the same, with the xception of the few shared folder [prog files...etc] that you have to manually clean out the old stuff from... whatcha say ?Last edited by dizzynoodle; 6 September 2001, 10:10.Asus P2B @ 100Mhz
PIII 800 / 133Mhz running @100MHZ = 600MHZ!!! VIA Asus Slotkey
SimpleTECH 128MB X 3/ 100Mhz
IBM 9.GB Ultrawide Scsi LVD
IBM 18gb secondary drive @ 7200
Maxtor 37GB storage drive @ 5400
Marvel G200 TV
Microtek E6 scanner via scsi card {adaptec 1502}
HP CD12ri CDRW 12X10X32 BurnProof!
Creative Infra48 CD ROM
Creative AWE64 Gold [ISA]
Realtek Chip NIC 10/100
21' Samsung Syncmaster 1000p
Firewire card
Mini USB hub
8 port Compex 10/100 hub
Sandisk Reader - USB
Cordless Logitec Mouse
Iomega Zip100 [the old ugly one!]
HP 1220 C - A3 printer
whatcha think on my other post ?Asus P2B @ 100Mhz
PIII 800 / 133Mhz running @100MHZ = 600MHZ!!! VIA Asus Slotkey
SimpleTECH 128MB X 3/ 100Mhz
IBM 9.GB Ultrawide Scsi LVD
IBM 18gb secondary drive @ 7200
Maxtor 37GB storage drive @ 5400
Marvel G200 TV
Microtek E6 scanner via scsi card {adaptec 1502}
HP CD12ri CDRW 12X10X32 BurnProof!
Creative Infra48 CD ROM
Creative AWE64 Gold [ISA]
Realtek Chip NIC 10/100
21' Samsung Syncmaster 1000p
Firewire card
Mini USB hub
8 port Compex 10/100 hub
Sandisk Reader - USB
Cordless Logitec Mouse
Iomega Zip100 [the old ugly one!]
HP 1220 C - A3 printer
I also think this is a troublesome hardware setup. That 133mhz bus & overclocked AGP in a P2B is a crash looking for a place to happen.
Asus BX boards work just great with 100 mhz FSB PIII's, witness my multiple P3B-F PIII 850 systems, and they don't need to be overclocked.
Dr. MordridDr. Mordrid
An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.
I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps
so Doc, you think i should tune it down to 100mhz ? will that mean i will be running stable evn with an underclocked PIII800/133 CPU running at 600Mhz ?Asus P2B @ 100Mhz
PIII 800 / 133Mhz running @100MHZ = 600MHZ!!! VIA Asus Slotkey
SimpleTECH 128MB X 3/ 100Mhz
IBM 9.GB Ultrawide Scsi LVD
IBM 18gb secondary drive @ 7200
Maxtor 37GB storage drive @ 5400
Marvel G200 TV
Microtek E6 scanner via scsi card {adaptec 1502}
HP CD12ri CDRW 12X10X32 BurnProof!
Creative Infra48 CD ROM
Creative AWE64 Gold [ISA]
Realtek Chip NIC 10/100
21' Samsung Syncmaster 1000p
Firewire card
Mini USB hub
8 port Compex 10/100 hub
Sandisk Reader - USB
Cordless Logitec Mouse
Iomega Zip100 [the old ugly one!]
HP 1220 C - A3 printer