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Microsoft and nVidia woes

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  • Microsoft and nVidia woes

    I had a little trouble deciding where to put these...

    first one you've probably already heard..
    Microsoft threatens to stop selling windows

    Second one, more bad news for nVidia?

    Last edited by Ant; 17 March 2002, 07:09.
    Juu nin to iro

    English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.

  • #2
    Now this is what I call GOOD NEWS !!!

    If anyone still loved M$, maybe (hopefully) now they'll wise up.

    Maybe we'll soon see a WW3 between .NET and DirectX axis vs. the J2EE and OpenML alliance.

    Too bad M$ have so many shares in Apple


    • #3
      Oh, c'mon.

      Be real.

      MS is reacting forcefully to an unreasonable request.

      You can't honestly expect a company to give away the source code to a currently shipping product. Let's put aside all the "opensource is g00d sh1zzn1tz, d00d!" rhetoric for a minute, ok?

      If the court insists that MS give away the source code to Windows, MS has every right to just stop selling it. Pull a Willy Wonka. Close the doors. Recall the licenses.

      Will the world be "thrown into darkness"? No. Lots of people will continue using their OS'es illegally. And lots of people will switch to...



      Ok, I couldn't hold it in any longer. If you honestly think that this will cause a mass conversion to the festering shitpile that is Linux, you are sorely mistaken.

      - Gurm
      The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

      I'm the least you could do
      If only life were as easy as you
      I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
      If only life were as easy as you
      I would still get screwed


      • #4
        Originally posted by Gurm

        Ok, I couldn't hold it in any longer. If you honestly think that this will cause a mass conversion to the festering shitpile that is Linux, you are sorely mistaken.

        - Gurm


        Allthough Mandrake Linux is kinda cool .. tried it once ... but dropped it very shortly after 'cause I couldn't find any drivers for my cablemodem !!!!!
        Fear, Makes Wise Men Foolish !
        incentivize transparent paradigms


        • #5
          We *can* convert to Max OS-X though... (if and only if they get me a NORMAL mouse to use with it !!!)


          • #6
            Typical ramblings by that bonehead Balmer. He's just venting his frustration and no way in hell would they be shooting themselves in the heart by stopping shipment of their life blood. What an irresponsible comment to make and shake up the faith of your customers.

            AFA NVIDIA ... any company working with the 800 pound gorillas, M$FT or IBM, should know to be very careful when collaborating with these guys. Its been the same story for several decades.
            Last edited by xortam; 17 March 2002, 10:54.
            <TABLE BGCOLOR=Red><TR><TD><Font-weight="+1"><font COLOR=Black>The world just changed, Sep. 11, 2001</font></Font-weight></TR></TD></TABLE>


            • #7
              The whole thing is just hilarious as everyone knows that MicroSoft (and especially Balmer) would rather sell Bill Gates to cannibales living on some island than stop selling Windows...

              And to call Linux a "festering shitpile" when compared to Windows shows at least some loss of reality-awareness. Linux is not for the typical dumbass Windows user, and it's not for the gamer, yes. But other than that it is very functional.
              But we named the *dog* Indiana...
              My System
              2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
              German ATI-forum


              • #8
                if microsoft stops selling windows, then we will just get another OS. I think the OS with the best backward compatibility will win. as this was the main reason windows95 won over OS/2(i think).
                This sig is a shameless atempt to make my post look bigger.


                • #9

                  We've been over this before. Maybe you missed my "Linux demands" thread. I named at least half a dozen areas in which I require mature support. Linux can't touch 'em.

                  Linux as an OS, while based on 30-year-old technology, is not too shabby. Linux as an application platform is crap, because nobody is writing good apps. Period. End of story.

                  - Gurm
                  The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                  I'm the least you could do
                  If only life were as easy as you
                  I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                  If only life were as easy as you
                  I would still get screwed


                  • #10
                    I wouldnt imagine MSoft makes that much hard cash out of windows.... The Apps are where its at for them. But if they dont control the OS, they cant optomise the application layer. MS office blew every other office pack when it came out - despite the fact that no individual peice of office was the best in the field.

                    Then we now have MS apps in all areas from individuals to corporate apps.

                    As long as MS at least breaks even with the OS, the value added components will make them their cash.

                    Dont just swallow the blue pill.


                    • #11
                      Yes ... the shipment of their OS has much more ramifications then simply the revenue garnered from the OS sales alone. Balmer obviously never intends to cease shipment.

                      Linux has its place on a lot of applications (switches, appliances, and such) but isn't ready for the office desktop.
                      <TABLE BGCOLOR=Red><TR><TD><Font-weight="+1"><font COLOR=Black>The world just changed, Sep. 11, 2001</font></Font-weight></TR></TD></TABLE>


                      • #12
                        Gurmless... You can download a 3 cd set of mandrake (or redhat).

                        with it you can build a small stable secure gatway firewall, no gui overhead..but you can bring up the gui to configure it.

                        I could install on 1000 computers and make a beowulf cluster...

                        I could run the best ftp and webserver software on it and have up times on of months..

                        I could make myself and office workstation, I am quite a happy with staroffice...or the "CHOICE" of office applications available on my orig CD's still no extra outlay..

                        Or a set up a sience/engineering workstation and download very good software tools and libraries, (which incidentally are very hard to find and expensive on windows)

                        I can program in any modern computer language, and get free updates and support.

                        all this for the cost of downloading and buring the CD's... But if you are to gurmless to configure it, it is your problem.( and a lot others I guess)

                        Windows is general purpose, jack of all trades master of none...if you spend the time(not money) You can configure a linux system to pretty much anything optimally. Master of all

                        The major reason windows is the predominate standard is because A very large % of users simply pirates it. If MS every work out how to make it unpirateble they will probably go out of business.

                        oh and
                        while gamming is not the best I can still get RTCW and SOF 2 quake 3 and quite a few others (but I have to pay for them)

                        with mandrake 8.2 you get most hardware configured properly in your install (30 min) and only stuff like nvidia(becuase they refuse to release open source drivers) needs to be configured afterwards.

                        (I am still trying to find stable drivers for winxp, but my linux side is stable)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Marshmallowman

                          while gamming is not the best I can still get RTCW and SOF 2 quake 3 and quite a few others (but I have to pay for them)
                          Well, you can get Half-Life to run on Linux and then a crap load of mods too
                          Gigabyte GA-K8N Ultra 9, Opteron 170 Denmark 2x2Ghz, 2 GB Corsair XMS, Gigabyte 6600, Gentoo Linux
                          Motion Computing M1400 -- Tablet PC, Ubuntu Linux

                          "if I said you had a beautiful body would you take your pants off and dance around a bit?" --Zapp Brannigan


                          • #14
                            "I could make myself and office workstation, I am quite a happy with staroffice...or the "CHOICE" of office applications available on my orig CD's still no extra outlay.."

                            And from a business point of view make yourself incompatible with all your partners.
                            Anyway, you might want to have a read, Staroffice is no longer going to be free - what we talking about an Office package for, thought this was about OS's?

                            "all this for the cost of downloading and buring the CD's... But if you are to gurmless to configure it, it is your problem.( and a lot others I guess)"

                            Every OS requires configuration.
                            Would I install Win2k Server onto one of my servers, attach it to the network and say job done?
                            Nope, nor would anybody who wanted to keep their job afterwards.

                            "Windows is general purpose, jack of all trades master of none...if you spend the time(not money) You can configure a linux system to pretty much anything optimally. Master of all"

                            Exactly, it is a Jack of all trades.
                            My Active Directory domain is 90% controlled by Windows boxes.
                            These are Windows boxes with numerous months of uptime.
                            With 100% stability, a nice easy path to get updates and security fixes.
                            Sure there are a couple of Linux boxes on the network, they were in place before I started, no point messing with what isn't broken - maybe they will be replaced in my next budget, not sure yet.

                            "The major reason windows is the predominate standard is because A very large % of users simply pirates it. If MS every work out how to make it unpirateble they will probably go out of business."

                            Ermmmm, no, well your argument was showing intelligence until this line, but now you've gone and blown it.
                            MS make most of their money from the corporate sector.
                            If a company is audited and found to have illegal software running the fines are pretty impressive.
                            Only 'Fly by night' cowboy's run on unlicensed software, ie not that many.
                            Also a majority of home users pay for their software too, it's only the kids that steal software.
                            Make Windows totally pirate free?
                            If anything MS's profits would raise, not fall as you seem to think.

                            "(I am still trying to find stable drivers for winxp, but my linux side is stable)"

                            Been using WinXP since release day.
                            Had some early issues with some NVidia drivers, had to stick to the last Win2k drviers rather than the WinXP ones due to a few issues.
                            However since then my home PC has not crashed, bombed out, broken, rebooted by itself.
                            As with Win2k before it, it's 100% stable.

                            You stick to your "Hobby OS".
                            However I'll stick to my MS OS that offers ease of use, 100% stability, easy place to get updates and fixes, compatability with 90% of software/applications/games out of the box - just those things alone make the £130 a good investment.
                            It cost one penny to cross, or one hundred gold pieces if you had a billygoat.
                            Trolls might not be quick thinkers but they don't forget in a hurry, either


                            • #15
                              I don't think linux will be close to a mainstream home OS for a while, but it ain't a hobby OS, there is significant portion of web severs and large clusters running linux OS's these ain't hobby systems...well not a hobby I can't afford..

                              I must say windows is firmly established and does everything it needs to, so if it ain't broke don't fix axiom will probably keep it there.

                              As to the MS comments about withdrawing windows, pure rhetoric...
                              MS have actually committed to releaseing some of their source code SMB networking stuff in particular. but it will have nda/licensing associated with it. Me thinks this is sneaky way of trying to get licensing fees from SAMBA(fait acompli) developers.

                              I do use winxp, (I wish I hadn't upgrade from win2k,.... well at least until SP1 for XP)

                              and your can't run a beowulf type supercluster on winxp

                              oh you havn't tried mandrake 8.1(or 8.2),
                              It has had web updates since version 7.1, very easy to use, and

                              sunoffice 6.0 is not free($30) BUT 5.2 is and which star office 6 is based on is free, and it reads MS office formats...and have you seen how many bussiness are incompatible becuase they are running older version of MS office(97 is still arouind)..LOL
                              Last edited by Marshmallowman; 18 March 2002, 05:05.

