My apologies if this belongs in The Lounge.
Gaming is making a HUGE comeback, yes it is.
I am one of those people who for several years has been bemoaning the state of gaming. Well, I'm here to say that the last $150 I've spent on games has been well worth it. Let me elaborate:
The Dark Years, Part 1 - The PC:
This started with... Phantasmagoria. I remember the scenario well... Games had always come on several floppy discs (or one floppy disc if the programmers were good enough). But soon it got out of hand. 8, 9, 10 floppies was a bit much. Especially with the quality control on floppy discs in decline. So they started shipping games on 1 CD.
Game designers went into a frenzy. "LOOK AT THE SPACE!" they exclaimed. "We can put like 8 hours of crappily rendered 100x100 avi's on this disc!"
Some companies took the high road. Sierra made the same games they had always made, only now the audio was all digital.
But even the mighty must fall. Soon, Sierra released "Phantasmagoria". This game came on not one, not two, not even 5... but 8 DAMN CD's! Now, it's ALMOST forgivable. Nobody had an MPG decoder on their PC yet, since it didn't ship with Win3.1 or Win95. So they were stuck with uncompressed AVI's. So their 12 hours of medium-res video took up 8 discs. Ok. But it set an ALARMING precedent.
Since then, we've seen the rise of games that ship with so many bugs that they are unplayable (Ultima 9), games that ship with bugs that ERASE YOUR HARD DRIVE (Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor), and games that run like crap on even the "recommended" system configurations (Unreal 2).
The Dark Years, Part 2 - The Console:
Consoles used to be fun. You played games that the PC couldn't do. You didn't play FPS or RTS or anything like that. You played side scrollers that capitalized on the strengths of the dedicated GPU.
The Super Nintendo was a GREAT console. The TurboGraphix 16 was an AMAZING console that never sold. The NeoGeo never sold either, but GOD DAMN IT WAS AMAZING.
Then came the PlayStation. And the Sega Saturn. And thus began the inexplicable PC-izing of the console.
Imagine playing Street Fighter 2, and waiting a full minute and a half to start a fight. C'mon - where I'm from, you go through 3 opponents in a minute and a half!
And the game quality declined, too. As if some crappily rendered polygons would distract us from the fact that the games sucked.
And Sony began their horrific "let's try to make Nintendo look bad" marketing campaign, which consisted primarily of giving every idiot with $500 a development system and distribution license.
Then Sega followed suit with their "let's keep anyone from actually releasing GOOD games in the USA" plan.
Nintendo took the high road, releasing fewer games - but better ones. For the most part.
A couple months back, part 1 - the PC
Things were horrible. The BEST new game out there was C&C: Generals. A game so blindingly simple-minded that beating it on any of the first 3 levels took an hour and a half, but it was impossible to beat at all on the higher levels. Unreal 2 debuted, bringing new meaning to the word "garbage". 99% of the games at Electronics Boutique SAID "Pentium3 500 or better required, 700 or better recommended" but wouldn't run on anything less than 1GHZ.
A couple months back, part 2 - the Console
XBox Online debuted. Yippee. I can pay through the nose to get high latency and crappy remakes of perfectly good PC games. No thanks. If I wanted to be bent over I'd go to the adult bookstore, thanks.
Such amazing games as "Bloody Killers 15: The newest of the new batch" came out. It featured fighting directly ripped from Street Fighter, an array of anatomically incorrect and impossibly proportioned fighters, lots of blood... and no actual gameplay whatsoever.
Oh, and let's not forget our favorite import - "Battle Raper: Hyperfighting". Yeah, whatever.
The Only Good Thing About The Last 3 Years of Gaming
Gameboy Advance. Yes, every good game on it is a remake of a good game for Super Nintendo, but let's face it - that was the best mass-market console of the last 10 years. And who DOESN'T want to play Super Mario World with digital audio and extra levels?
A Glimmer of Light!
There have actually been some good PC games. All is not lost. Dungeon Siege was very good. Warcraft 3 was very good. Unreal Tournament 2003, despite being made by the same people that brought you the crapfest that is Unreal2, was very good. Return to Castle Wolfenstein, although absurdly easy and too short, was very good.
And there have always been holdouts making good console games. Squaresoft can always be counted on to release one mind-numbingly beautiful (yet impossibly long and filled with utterly monotonous fight sequences) Final Fantasy game each year or so... and a few other miscellaneous titles in between. Kingdom Hearts really made me a happy person for the better part of a week.
The Past Couple Months
I picked up a GameCube a couple months back. Mario Sunshine was beckoning. And hot damn that game is amazing. A few other half-baked titles on the system. Luigi's Mansion was great but short. Super Smash Brothers... *shrug*
So on a whim I took my friend's advice and actually rented Dark Cloud 2. After 5 minutes, I copied it. After 5 hours of playing the copy I bought it. I actually BOUGHT a console RPG that wasn't made by Square! This game is so damn good that you forget that you're playing on a PS2. You forget that it's 100% linear with zero plot deviation whatsoever. All that matters is that you fight like Zelda, you build towns like Settlers/Simcity, you modify and upgrade your weapons like... like... I dunno like what, it's like Diablo2 on steroids. This is the greatest game since ... since ... I dunno when.
Then the preorder for Zelda came in. JOY! I could now play Ocarina of Time (and the amazing Master Quest version) on my new console! And it was VERY good.
Then the new Zelda came out. Can I just say that I never thought I could have so much fun playing a console game? Ever? And the cell shading, although a bit bizarre at first, really grows on you, especially when you realize how FAST and FLUID it is, and how seamlessly really cool effects are built in.
Then I find Tierra Entertainment, and start playing remakes of really good PC adventure games. All hope is not lost!
Ok, I'm done ranting. I have to get back to my TV. Link is almost through the Forgotten Fortress. Just one more pig-guard to sneak past before I get my sword back...
- Gurm
Gaming is making a HUGE comeback, yes it is.
I am one of those people who for several years has been bemoaning the state of gaming. Well, I'm here to say that the last $150 I've spent on games has been well worth it. Let me elaborate:
The Dark Years, Part 1 - The PC:
This started with... Phantasmagoria. I remember the scenario well... Games had always come on several floppy discs (or one floppy disc if the programmers were good enough). But soon it got out of hand. 8, 9, 10 floppies was a bit much. Especially with the quality control on floppy discs in decline. So they started shipping games on 1 CD.
Game designers went into a frenzy. "LOOK AT THE SPACE!" they exclaimed. "We can put like 8 hours of crappily rendered 100x100 avi's on this disc!"
Some companies took the high road. Sierra made the same games they had always made, only now the audio was all digital.
But even the mighty must fall. Soon, Sierra released "Phantasmagoria". This game came on not one, not two, not even 5... but 8 DAMN CD's! Now, it's ALMOST forgivable. Nobody had an MPG decoder on their PC yet, since it didn't ship with Win3.1 or Win95. So they were stuck with uncompressed AVI's. So their 12 hours of medium-res video took up 8 discs. Ok. But it set an ALARMING precedent.
Since then, we've seen the rise of games that ship with so many bugs that they are unplayable (Ultima 9), games that ship with bugs that ERASE YOUR HARD DRIVE (Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor), and games that run like crap on even the "recommended" system configurations (Unreal 2).
The Dark Years, Part 2 - The Console:
Consoles used to be fun. You played games that the PC couldn't do. You didn't play FPS or RTS or anything like that. You played side scrollers that capitalized on the strengths of the dedicated GPU.
The Super Nintendo was a GREAT console. The TurboGraphix 16 was an AMAZING console that never sold. The NeoGeo never sold either, but GOD DAMN IT WAS AMAZING.
Then came the PlayStation. And the Sega Saturn. And thus began the inexplicable PC-izing of the console.
Imagine playing Street Fighter 2, and waiting a full minute and a half to start a fight. C'mon - where I'm from, you go through 3 opponents in a minute and a half!
And the game quality declined, too. As if some crappily rendered polygons would distract us from the fact that the games sucked.
And Sony began their horrific "let's try to make Nintendo look bad" marketing campaign, which consisted primarily of giving every idiot with $500 a development system and distribution license.
Then Sega followed suit with their "let's keep anyone from actually releasing GOOD games in the USA" plan.
Nintendo took the high road, releasing fewer games - but better ones. For the most part.
A couple months back, part 1 - the PC
Things were horrible. The BEST new game out there was C&C: Generals. A game so blindingly simple-minded that beating it on any of the first 3 levels took an hour and a half, but it was impossible to beat at all on the higher levels. Unreal 2 debuted, bringing new meaning to the word "garbage". 99% of the games at Electronics Boutique SAID "Pentium3 500 or better required, 700 or better recommended" but wouldn't run on anything less than 1GHZ.
A couple months back, part 2 - the Console
XBox Online debuted. Yippee. I can pay through the nose to get high latency and crappy remakes of perfectly good PC games. No thanks. If I wanted to be bent over I'd go to the adult bookstore, thanks.
Such amazing games as "Bloody Killers 15: The newest of the new batch" came out. It featured fighting directly ripped from Street Fighter, an array of anatomically incorrect and impossibly proportioned fighters, lots of blood... and no actual gameplay whatsoever.
Oh, and let's not forget our favorite import - "Battle Raper: Hyperfighting". Yeah, whatever.
The Only Good Thing About The Last 3 Years of Gaming
Gameboy Advance. Yes, every good game on it is a remake of a good game for Super Nintendo, but let's face it - that was the best mass-market console of the last 10 years. And who DOESN'T want to play Super Mario World with digital audio and extra levels?
A Glimmer of Light!
There have actually been some good PC games. All is not lost. Dungeon Siege was very good. Warcraft 3 was very good. Unreal Tournament 2003, despite being made by the same people that brought you the crapfest that is Unreal2, was very good. Return to Castle Wolfenstein, although absurdly easy and too short, was very good.
And there have always been holdouts making good console games. Squaresoft can always be counted on to release one mind-numbingly beautiful (yet impossibly long and filled with utterly monotonous fight sequences) Final Fantasy game each year or so... and a few other miscellaneous titles in between. Kingdom Hearts really made me a happy person for the better part of a week.
The Past Couple Months
I picked up a GameCube a couple months back. Mario Sunshine was beckoning. And hot damn that game is amazing. A few other half-baked titles on the system. Luigi's Mansion was great but short. Super Smash Brothers... *shrug*
So on a whim I took my friend's advice and actually rented Dark Cloud 2. After 5 minutes, I copied it. After 5 hours of playing the copy I bought it. I actually BOUGHT a console RPG that wasn't made by Square! This game is so damn good that you forget that you're playing on a PS2. You forget that it's 100% linear with zero plot deviation whatsoever. All that matters is that you fight like Zelda, you build towns like Settlers/Simcity, you modify and upgrade your weapons like... like... I dunno like what, it's like Diablo2 on steroids. This is the greatest game since ... since ... I dunno when.
Then the preorder for Zelda came in. JOY! I could now play Ocarina of Time (and the amazing Master Quest version) on my new console! And it was VERY good.
Then the new Zelda came out. Can I just say that I never thought I could have so much fun playing a console game? Ever? And the cell shading, although a bit bizarre at first, really grows on you, especially when you realize how FAST and FLUID it is, and how seamlessly really cool effects are built in.
Then I find Tierra Entertainment, and start playing remakes of really good PC adventure games. All hope is not lost!
Ok, I'm done ranting. I have to get back to my TV. Link is almost through the Forgotten Fortress. Just one more pig-guard to sneak past before I get my sword back...
- Gurm