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Need to share ADSL with extra PC that can't see existing network.

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  • #31
    Ok. So all I've proved is that this filtering could be used if the device were placed as you suggested for 'router2', but the Draytek is overkill as it includes an adsl modem. I should have read more closely - I just saw the screen shot showing a box for the desination IP and got excited

    I'll take a close look at the D-Link next.




    • #32
      Basic question, why don't you want PC6 to see anyone else?

      Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


      • #33
        PCs1-5 are for a business that is in a part of the family home. PC6 belongs to the son. There is extreme paranoia about virii and security etc.

        The Di-804V has LAN filters settings which block a range of ports and IPS from accessing the WAN, so that is not suitable. It also has WAN filter settings, which allows access from a range of IPs to access certain ports. I think I need something with better filtering.



        • #34
          In the context of the diagram I posted the WAN side would be the other LAN so it's effectively filtering from one LAN to the other.
          When you own your own business you only have to work half a day. You can do anything you want with the other twelve hours.


          • #35
            I've been thinking you may not need to setup filters to achieve what you want. If the 5 PC's are setup to use NetBUI rather than TCP/IP for Microsoft networking then PC6 would not be able to see them as NetBUI is a non routable protocol. You would still need the router between the two networks but a PC with two NIC's could be used in place of an actual router.
            When you own your own business you only have to work half a day. You can do anything you want with the other twelve hours.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Tony Andrews
              I'm following these discussions with great interest and researching myself.
              It certainly seems that going for a PC with 3 nics and appropriate s/w (e.g. Smoothwall) would do the trick, but seems a little overkill.
              I did a Google for 'Router +"Access List" -Cisco' and got very little apart from training courses etc.
              Taking a closer look at the manuals for the Draytek (available at the link I gave), there is a .pdf in the .zip called IPFILTER.PDF. It looks to me like a bunch of filters could do it.

              Any opinions on that please?


              How about:

              Internet--ADSL Gateway/Router--Router2--Switch--LAN

              You can find some very cheap Linksys or D-Link models that will do the trick (i.e. less that €60-70). Payback time will be short as well.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Taz
                Er, wrong
                Taz : what exactly is wrong?
                GigaByte 6BXC, celeron300A@450, 128 Ram, G200 8M SD


                • #38
                  Sorry that I wasn't much help then T
                  The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England


                  • #39
                    Don't be soft, Paddy. You (and your daddy) and Dan were a great help, I'm just keen to explore all alternatives.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by arbymo
                      Taz : what exactly is wrong?
                      Two PC's in different workgroups will still be able to see each other via Network Neighbourhood/My Network Places.
                      When you own your own business you only have to work half a day. You can do anything you want with the other twelve hours.


                      • #41
                        Netgear DG824M

                        New Product - NetGear DG824M - ADSL modem, switch , wireless, firewall etc.

                        Does anyone know anything about this? It claims to include a switch which might do the trick. No manual available online as yet.




                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Taz
                          Two PC's in different workgroups will still be able to see each other via Network Neighbourhood/My Network Places.
                          Ok, thanks for the clarification.
                          GigaByte 6BXC, celeron300A@450, 128 Ram, G200 8M SD


                          • #43
                            Switch/hub are designed so they can be on the same network. a router will allow you to separate the networks.

                            My prefered (cheap solution) A dedicated linux box running a multnetwork firewall solution between an ADSL modem and the switch/s

                            Pure hardware

                            ADSL modem to a switch/ hub, 2 routers/firewalls connected to the hub/switch thus you have to networks...your ISP must allow you to have two IP's (some don't )


                            • #44
                              If you're thinking about the VLAN thing that Helevitia mentioned, probably not. I don't think low-end switches support VLANs.


                              • #45
                                I still think that using a simple LAN card would be the easiest solution...
                                Sat on a pile of deads, I enjoy my oysters.

