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Computer rebooting due to low/fluxuating 12v rail?

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  • #16
    You know, the spelling of the topic here reminds me of a joke:

    This chinese guy goes into the bank and asks to exchange a bunch of ... err ... chinese money to US Dollars. The bank says ok, here's the exchange rate and here's $500.

    The next week, the same guy comes in with the same amount of chinese money (the name of which eludes me at the moment), again to convert it to dollars. This week, the exchange rate is lower, and he only gets $450.

    But he doesn't understand why, so he asks the teller to explain.

    The teller points at the exchange rates and says "fluctuations".

    The chinese guy gets all upset and says "Well FLUCK you Amelicans, too!"

    - Gurm
    The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

    I'm the least you could do
    If only life were as easy as you
    I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
    If only life were as easy as you
    I would still get screwed


    • #17
      haha! I thought the spelling looked fuuny. To bad I can't be bothered to correct half my spelling mistakes or take a quick peek over what I wrote. I am so lazy.

      Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


      • #18
        I wonder when my system will become so unstable

        currently it's XP1700+(Palomino), motherboard on kt133a, 128mb sdr, G400SH 16mb, pci sound card, cdrom and 7200rpm 60gb maxtor hdd.
        All this on a 250w psu - maybe it's something with the fact that it's enlight - but I guess this system sucks all juice out of it
        I wonder if it'll be all good after switching to some new sis mobo and 256, 384 or 512 mb ddr (we'll see how much)?
        OTOH it's good when somebody brings to me some old 5400rpm, couple gb hdd. And maybe new sis mobo is less power hungry than my current one? (afaik kt133a is on some old process, supposedly more power hungry I guess). I hope.

        Maybe when I'll add to cdrom some cdr I'll see fireworks.'s working good with borrowed cdr (without cdrom).
        Dammit, when this psu will be at its knees?

        p.s. About those Allied psu's Greebe and Gurm mentioned...why oh why they aren't here? (in such prices) Shitty nonames cost that much here


        • #19
          I replaced the PS with the 300W Allied and all problems went away. Thanks for the help everyone!

          Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

