Ok, I have a Logitech mouse. It has a thumb button.
I flatly refuse to install MouseWare. It is a festering boil on the crinkly, smelly ****ole of the computer industry.
All I want to do is change what the thumb button does. Windows SEES the thumb button - it assigns it "back". Nice. I don't NEED a button for "back". I want the button to do one of two things:
1. Double-click.
2. Pass a straight "MOUSE4" to games, so that I can put "open/use" on it in FPS games.
I used to use Intellipoint for this, but the latest version of Intellipoint sucks nearly as bad as Mouseware does! I suppose I could just download and use the OLD Intellipoint, but that strikes me as overkill for ONE DAMN BUTTON.
Isn't there some registry hack for this?
I flatly refuse to install MouseWare. It is a festering boil on the crinkly, smelly ****ole of the computer industry.
All I want to do is change what the thumb button does. Windows SEES the thumb button - it assigns it "back". Nice. I don't NEED a button for "back". I want the button to do one of two things:
1. Double-click.
2. Pass a straight "MOUSE4" to games, so that I can put "open/use" on it in FPS games.
I used to use Intellipoint for this, but the latest version of Intellipoint sucks nearly as bad as Mouseware does! I suppose I could just download and use the OLD Intellipoint, but that strikes me as overkill for ONE DAMN BUTTON.
Isn't there some registry hack for this?