Well I took a chance. Potentially a rather big chance.
I purchased this on ebay.
After hours on the phone, I have managed to persuade the credit card company to insure it as it most probably won't turn up. I am not sure why it is the 4000 model, which i can find no mention of on Acer's website, and not the 4005 model but hey! If it turns out to be pants I can dispute it with the credit card company or even relist it on ebay. I am sure that I would recover costs and more....
Now to evade VAT..... How am I gonna do that....
I purchased this on ebay.
After hours on the phone, I have managed to persuade the credit card company to insure it as it most probably won't turn up. I am not sure why it is the 4000 model, which i can find no mention of on Acer's website, and not the 4005 model but hey! If it turns out to be pants I can dispute it with the credit card company or even relist it on ebay. I am sure that I would recover costs and more....
Now to evade VAT..... How am I gonna do that....