Been doing some more looking and stumble across this little beauty; BenQ FP241W
Price: $950ca @ TigerDirect and NCIX
Also ran into this guy; HP LP2465
Price: $1050ca @ CompuSmart
The Dell 2407FPW is now down to $850ca again. Looking through the specs leads me to believe that they are all the same panel, the BenQ has an HDMI connector over the other two.
The Urge is strong in this one. I'm gonna hold off a couple days before deciding.
Price: $950ca @ TigerDirect and NCIX
Also ran into this guy; HP LP2465
Price: $1050ca @ CompuSmart
The Dell 2407FPW is now down to $850ca again. Looking through the specs leads me to believe that they are all the same panel, the BenQ has an HDMI connector over the other two.
The Urge is strong in this one. I'm gonna hold off a couple days before deciding.
