I ran a benchmark on HD Tach and got this:
Random Access time: 13,1ms
Read Burst Speed: 26,3mbps
Read speed: Max 15776, min 13366, average 14855
CPU tilization 3.6%
Is this good or bad?
"Unix can be a cynical Operating System for a person whos mind is limited to a Windows user interface"
System specs:
AMD Athlon 600mhz, OEM FIC SD11, 192MB RAM, Matrox Millenium G200 (PD5.41), Nothing O/C.
Running Windows 98SE & Linux Mandrake 7
Random Access time: 13,1ms
Read Burst Speed: 26,3mbps
Read speed: Max 15776, min 13366, average 14855
CPU tilization 3.6%
Is this good or bad?
"Unix can be a cynical Operating System for a person whos mind is limited to a Windows user interface"
System specs:
AMD Athlon 600mhz, OEM FIC SD11, 192MB RAM, Matrox Millenium G200 (PD5.41), Nothing O/C.
Running Windows 98SE & Linux Mandrake 7