Some thoughts:
-matrox and ati cannot count on nvidia screwing up. if that's how they plan on beating nvidia, then they have already lost.
-nvidia WILL deliver with the 3dfx/gigapixel technology
-even if moore's law doesn't uphold, nvidia will still be able to release graphics cards at this pace for the next few years
-nvidia is only buying 3dfx's core assets. so this purchase doesn't technically eliminate 3dfx (in reality it does though), this method just guarantees that the FTC will approve
-nvidia CAN make multi-chip designs now without losing much face. all they have to say is "after analyzing 3dfx's SLI technology, we have concluded that combining it with nvidia technology should give the most value to consumers"
-nvidia is not only selling high-end video cars. they are following their mission statement: they will have an nvidia chip in every computer that has to display an image.
-matrox and ati cannot rely on their business markets. nvidia will OWN the gamers market by the next product cycle. the gamer's market is a foretelling of things to come... this is where the "new" technology is tested - then passed down to corporations. give nvidia another year and they'll be stealing huge market share (and profit) from those business segments.
-nvidia already has graphics card prices where they want them to. at the price point where they make the most money. (lose some customers, but the extra money that purchasing customers have to pay makes up for it)
-this is great news for all us matrox fans! this 3dfx acquisition should've kicked matrox and ati in the butt. the g800 needs to be released ASAP. if not, matrox might as well forget about the gaming market... they'll have too small a presence.
-matrox and ati are sorely mistaken if they think that hiding in their lucrative business markets will save them. they will have to beat nvidia at it's own game.
-software designer's will be designing/testing their games with nvidia in mind. if they make a game focused on max stability/performance for an nvidia chipset, then they are addressing a majority of the gaming community
-matrox and ati cannot count on nvidia screwing up. if that's how they plan on beating nvidia, then they have already lost.
-nvidia WILL deliver with the 3dfx/gigapixel technology
-even if moore's law doesn't uphold, nvidia will still be able to release graphics cards at this pace for the next few years
-nvidia is only buying 3dfx's core assets. so this purchase doesn't technically eliminate 3dfx (in reality it does though), this method just guarantees that the FTC will approve
-nvidia CAN make multi-chip designs now without losing much face. all they have to say is "after analyzing 3dfx's SLI technology, we have concluded that combining it with nvidia technology should give the most value to consumers"
-nvidia is not only selling high-end video cars. they are following their mission statement: they will have an nvidia chip in every computer that has to display an image.
-matrox and ati cannot rely on their business markets. nvidia will OWN the gamers market by the next product cycle. the gamer's market is a foretelling of things to come... this is where the "new" technology is tested - then passed down to corporations. give nvidia another year and they'll be stealing huge market share (and profit) from those business segments.
-nvidia already has graphics card prices where they want them to. at the price point where they make the most money. (lose some customers, but the extra money that purchasing customers have to pay makes up for it)
-this is great news for all us matrox fans! this 3dfx acquisition should've kicked matrox and ati in the butt. the g800 needs to be released ASAP. if not, matrox might as well forget about the gaming market... they'll have too small a presence.
-matrox and ati are sorely mistaken if they think that hiding in their lucrative business markets will save them. they will have to beat nvidia at it's own game.
-software designer's will be designing/testing their games with nvidia in mind. if they make a game focused on max stability/performance for an nvidia chipset, then they are addressing a majority of the gaming community