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512 meg RAM still not enough?

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  • #16
    Yep....I can attest to this. Was playing around with 768 MB ram in WinME, and out of memory problems galore. The only Microsoft solution that worked for me was to "install 512 MB or less" in my computer. No problem.



    • #17

      there are three ways to ease your memory problems -

      change your OS

      change the way you work.....

      change your job!

      dont add more memory to a half assed OS like window 9X.... Get NT/win2K/linux

      Dont just swallow the blue pill.


      • #18
        Listen to these guys...Win9x/ME system resources are measured in the lower 64K (That's right...64,000Bytes) of system memory.

        Ram Defraggers help a little bit, but those take away from the available resources, too.

        Cacheman is the best one to use -by far- for swap file and disk cache settings.

        ConservativeSwapfile usage is a switch I've had mixed results with: I generally set my Minimal/Maximum disk cache to 20% of my system ram, set the Chunk size to 1 MB, Read ahead to 128KB, and the Name Cache to 4MB.

        But you're still trying to patch a dam about to burst, with as many applications as you have running.

        Win2K is a MUCH better platform for day-to-day use than Win9x/ME ever thought about. I only reboot/shutdown my Win2K box when a thunderstorm comes around. It never seems to screw up.

        Hey, Donny! We got us a German who wants to die for his country... Oblige him. - Lt. Aldo Raine


        • #19
          gotta agree whith the multi man!
          Dont just swallow the blue pill.


          • #20
            Hi guys I've heard from a few sources - I just wanted to confirm

            win 98 can fully address either 128 or 192 megs ram - is this correct? Anything more is a waste or $

            How about 95, ME, 2k, and NT4?

            Thanks a bunch


            • #21
              In win9x and winME I would say that anything over 384MB is overkill! 256MB should be enough for everything in win9x and winME!

              In w2k I would recomend a minimum of 256MB and at least 512MB if you are doing CAD etc.!
              According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless...


              • #22
                True 2k with 128megs is breaking the ice - still not enjoyable though!

                Thanks Guru!

                Other comments welcomed - no offensive Guru


                • #23
                  I think anything over 512 MB for win9x is much more likely to make your situation worse than to make it better

                  There's an Opera in my macbook.


                  • #24
                    You just have to love Microsoft's fixes

                    Surprising that they didn't try pimping Win2k in there either...

                    Meet Jasmine.

