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Come on , NOBODY DARED TO OVERCLOCK A g400MAX ?? I can´t believe it !!!!

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  • Come on , NOBODY DARED TO OVERCLOCK A g400MAX ?? I can´t believe it !!!!

    Gimme numbers , gimme numbers , gimme numbers !!!!!!

    How high could you go ????????

    Maybe no one answers because it does´nt overclock well ?

  • #2
    There's no need to OC a G400 Max it's fast enough



    • #3
      May be its too tough to be called a MAX, so that no further room to grow.


      • #4
        "Fast enough" is a term i don´t know

        Nothing can ever be fast enough .
        Try q3a in 1024*768*32 bit and you know what i mean


        • #5
          Hell, the VooDew 3500 can't even make it out of the factory...Much less overclock to the wonderful levels 3dfx is claiming. At least the Max is available (albeit thinly ) . And everyone is all hot and bothered over the V4? Boy, I think their bubbles are gonna be a little broken when the V4 doesn't show up when everyone thinks...hehehe


          God, I love the smell of silicon in the morning.


          • #6
            You don't need to oc it unless you have Athlon. It would make as much sense to overclock your keyboard and mouse.



            • #7
              So does this mean that everyone should just get the G400 Dualhead 32megs and overclock to G400 Max speed?

              Manoj Mahtani


              • #8
                If you are determined to stay on the edge of performance, there's no sense in waiting for MAX since you'll be buying a new card in 6-7 months anyway.


                [This message has been edited by Buuri (edited 07-26-99).]


                • #9
                  Buuri : in q3test at >= 1024*768*32 you become fill rate limited and NOT Cpu limited so overclocking WILL make a difference whereas a Athlon will make NO difference .


                  • #10
                    Believe me, Quake 3 Arena is so CPU hungry that even at 1024x768x32 it's a combination of the two. Probably still more CPU limited.



                    • #11
                      OK, that gilde is falling short on q3t, I know, not until full OGL ICD is out for V3, the same holds ture for G400MAX

                      I can only achieve meaningful framerate with 8 persons fragging along in q3test 1.07 at not more than 640x480, although my ping is very low compared with others, I am just using V.90, so ping is at best around 450-500.

                      My voovoo is running at 400MTexel/s though, what is G400Max anyway

                      [This message has been edited by tylau (edited 07-26-99).]


                      • #12
                        I seems noone to answer "tombman" is in possession of a G400MAX, and those that are keep very quiet.



                        [This message has been edited by rubank (edited 07-26-99).]


                        • #13
                          franksch4: YOU ARE WRONG !!!!!!!

                          At q3test 1024*768*32 all details maxed out you are GRAPHIC CARD LIMITED AND NOT CPU LIMITED !!!

                          I can PROVE it !!!

                          (q3atest 1.07 , q3testdemo1.dm3 , 1024*768*32 , all details at maximum !)

                          PIII450 , tnt2ultra (150/183) : 23,8 FPS !
                          PIII450 , tnt2ultra (170/210) : 28,0 FPS !!!

                          PIII527 , tnt2ultra (150/183) : 24,0 FPS !
                          PIII527 , tnt2ultra (170/210) : 28,2 FPS !!!

                          Increasing the CPU speed will get you ONLY 0,2 FPS while increasing the GRAPHIC speed will get you 4,2 FPS !!!!!!!!

                          I hope you learned something

                          And please don´t tell the newbies shit , when you are not sure what you are saying !!!!!

                          p.s.: always trust the tombman


                          • #14
                            I forgot : the 0,2 fps increase at 527 Mhz derived more likely from the higher AGP speed (117*2/3) than from the cpu speed --> you get NOTHING from switching from a 450 to a >= 527 !


                            • #15
                              So it was the same machine with and without CPU overclocking?

                              Now since tnt2ultra is not not G400 MAX, and the fill-rate of G400 is said to be better that TNTs, can you jump into conclusions out of that? Well obviously you can.


                              PS. Never trust Junior Members

                              [This message has been edited by Buuri (edited 07-26-99).]

