Thank you Matrox for the new Powerdesk NT drivers and upcoming (already here?) video tools.
3 quick questions:
How does Quake3Test 1.07 run on NT? Is it Software Only or OGL? Fast? Slow? FPS in G200? G400? (using P2-266/256MB RAM)
#2. (more important)
CAN SOME KIND SOUL using NT/G400 please tell me whether Matrox SoftDVD works under NT4/5?
The sooner SoftDVD works the sooner we do a 20pc bulk order on the G400 32MB for our NT network.
#3. WHO IS USING NT 2000 b3 with the Matrox G200 or G400? Please give any tips --thanks!
3 quick questions:
How does Quake3Test 1.07 run on NT? Is it Software Only or OGL? Fast? Slow? FPS in G200? G400? (using P2-266/256MB RAM)
#2. (more important)
CAN SOME KIND SOUL using NT/G400 please tell me whether Matrox SoftDVD works under NT4/5?
The sooner SoftDVD works the sooner we do a 20pc bulk order on the G400 32MB for our NT network.
#3. WHO IS USING NT 2000 b3 with the Matrox G200 or G400? Please give any tips --thanks!