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Open Apology

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  • #16
    Ant, kruzin, slartibartifast, tulan, skycriesmary etc. listen up.

    If people are going to gamble on pre-orders they have to take the risk, because that is what it is a gamble.
    You have gotten this all wrong, Ant. Pre-order things isn't the same thing as gambling. Not if the site says "execpt 5-6 weeks delivery time" (don't remember exactly, but you know just what I mean)

    Now, If people don't get it by then, then Matrox HAS lied to us. Check this out, something I posted yesterday

    tish (aka Fish):
    That's what I have to say this.

    Why can't Matrox tell us the truth? Why can't Matrox tell us how many cards per week they are able to produce? Why can't Matrox tell us what order numbers (ca.) they are up to?


    They don't want us to cancel our orders, then they'll not earn as much money as they want.


    We sit here and accept lie after lie (ok only a few lies, the 5-6 week time limit has been reached for many people I belive) and wait for a card we might not get in two TWO! T-W-O !! 2!!!! MONTHS!!!!


    Matrox suck. They are a bunch of ****oles just after our money.

    DAMN! why aren't they a little more reasonable and say "sorry, the max is over-ordered and you would be much better off with a reagular G400, should I change your order sir?"

    Please tell me I'm wrong. Please please please ¦ |

    Please don't let Matrox be an ass... They'r products are too good!
    See? they knew they couldn't produce enough cards for the demand several month ago, and they also know how many cards they can produce in a week. In addition, they also know how many people have pre-ordered and when they did so.

    With this information they can tell us:
    "If you sir pre-orders a MAX at this moment of time you can except it in xx weeks. Therefore I could advice you to instead order a regual OEM G400 which you can except in x weeks"

    Simple, and it isn't too hard to estimate.


    Damn, did I write all this shit? Please don't flame me (looking at slartibartifast, trembling...)


    • #17

      I remember it now it says:

      "The Millennium G400 MAX will be available for shipment in approximately 5-6 weeks."

      Key word there. APPROXIMATELY. A-P-P- just kidding ¦ ) you get my drift



      • #18
        Alright, I have kept my mouth shut about this long enough.

        1. When you pre-ordered, you were not given a specific shipping date, you were given an approximation, HOW HARD IS THAT TO UNDERSTAND? If you fail to get your card in the end then you don't get a refund, or you cancel your order and you don't get a refund, then go and hire Gerry Spence and sue the Matrox Sox off of them. Until then, you will be laughed out of court.

        2. What is the deal with all of the whining to us???? I understand how it is to be anxious to get your stuff, I hate waiting, too. But enough of the constant bitching. Pre-orders, this is the nature of the beast. It always takes time to ramp up production. Either continue harassing Matrox, or cancel your order, but don't come here harassing people. We have enough regular people harassing others here on a continuous basis.

        3. No one is puting you down, we are just tired of people coming here whining and firing away at us, like it is our fault. It is not our fault.

        4. I am currently waiting on my G400, as well, and you don't see me complaining like a woman 1 day before her period, do you?

        5. tylau, why don't you go and pick some grubs out of your boyfriends hair? Isn't it dinner time for you, or something?

        6. Cool down, take some deep breaths, if you decide to wait for your pre-order, it will come in the near future, I am sure of it. And when you have it, and want any tips or help or answers, and you haven't followed other *cough* tylau *cough* people's lead in attitudes, then we will be more than willing to help out. We have a great bunch here.

        Just my thoughts, but of course you are free to deal with this any way you choose.


        [This message has been edited by mragsdale (edited 08-13-1999).]


        • #19
          If you're wise, you'll flee now. That's just Rags' warm-up....

          the once and future motub


          • #20
            If not, please save me a drumstick...

            the once and future motub,
            ramping up to full member again, I think...

            no, apparently not just yet...d*mn.

            [This message has been edited by HollyBerri (edited 08-13-1999).]


            • #21
              Holly err Motub err Krunch Berri err Mrs. Jorden,

              How the hell are ya, haven't talked to ya in a couple a days.



              • #22
                I'm OK Rags...I see you're in fine form, as always...

                Just got a little behind at work, so I was not so much around is all...

                Thanks for helping me ramp up (how long is this going to take? hey look, it's done! hurrah!!)...And thanks again for your help the other day....

                <u>Always</u> good to see you. Especially when a BBQ is imminent...

                the once and future motub

                [This message has been edited by HollyBerri (edited 08-13-1999).]


                • #23
                  Hehe, I know what you mean about work, I have had to work late the last few days. The boss is really beginning to enjoy my presence, I am sure.



                  • #24

                    But I'm actually at work (I work 2nd shift) so I'll see you later...

                    the fully fledged former motub (and sister of the moon)


                    • #25
                      This is an interesting thread, and I agree that this forum is not the place to seek out sympathy. The anger is somewhat predictable though. The difference, IMO, between these preorders and the preorders I've dealt with in the past, is that these customers have already paid for a product which has yet to be delivered in an apparent number of cases. At what point in time does the law state that a refund has to be offered to customers who have prepaid for a product that they have not yet received? However, there, IMO, isn't any conspiracy going on here. Perhaps some confusion, but not the willful deception that some are preaching. As far as I know, Matrox is not stopping anyone from cancelling their preorders, and again, as far as I know, they are not giving anyone a hard time about a refund.

                      So the answer as I see it is simple - if you're unhappy about the wait, cancel your order and get your money back. If Matrox then fails to give you your refund, then you might have a leg to stand on. You walked in to this deal with your eyes open, and nobody is stopping you from walking back out. Just call Matrox and say "Please cancel my preorder and refund my credit card." It's that simple, so stop wasting our time...



                      • #26
                        I'm a little lost here what is the G400MAX fiasco?


                        • #27
                          I think he means late delivery Ant. If he wants to start a lawsuit he might as well write to all the 3dfx and TNT2 ultra poeple who also suffered late deliveries.
                          God damn the server ate my username


                          • #28
                            I'd presume, for what it's worth, that skycriesmary is referring to the shipping delays....

                            I wouldn't call it a 'fiasco' though...I mean they were a couple weeks slow. But the cards are shipping, now, and most if not all the pre orders have been received.

                            Doesn't even come close to comparing to the G200 OGL thing...which is now blessedly over for the most part. So what are we supposed to be busting Matrox's chops about, again?

                            the once and future motub


                            • #29
                              But its the old story of people putting money down on something that at that time does not exist. If people are going to gamble on pre-orders they have to take the risk, because that is what it is a gamble. Don't put your money down on anything unless you know it is there ready and waiting for you.


                              • #30
                                Well said Ant my thoughts extactly.
                                God damn the server ate my username

