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Open Apology

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  • #31
    Ant, what I am referring to is Matrox going on the record and stating that 5-6weeks for the max. I even called them when they first announced it and they told me ALL max cards will be available in 5-6 weeks time. So I held out for 5-6 weeks figuring I could wait a few additional for retailers to get theirs and all would be happy. When I realized that matrox couldn't deliver as promised I placed a preorder figuring that they can't be far behind their initial 5-6 weeks. I call week after week and can't get one straight answer from matrox. That is all that I am asking! I am more than willing to accept an accross the board answer such as, "we can't keep with high demand, this is the tentative release schedule...." or "chip yields are not as anticipated, this is our schedule as we see it...". All I want is some straight answers so I don't keep hoping, ohhhhh next week maybe. Is that asking too much?


    • #32
      Are we all tired with the lies?? Which ones??
      You're right Ant, if s/he's meaning the money and delivery issue...

      It also seems that skycriesmary is refering to these fori as Matrox fori... hmmm... not again, please??


      Holly is all I Love&Need !!
      And some food and drink till she gets here...
      Who has an abundance of Airmiles for Holly(Berri) ??



      • #33
        Funny what was the orginal time frame for the Voodoo 3500 it isn't just Matrox you know.
        God damn the server ate my username


        • #34
          First off all folks lets discuss this without resorting to flaming. Those people that have pre-ordered quite rightly should feel agrieved if they have not received their MAX in the promised timeframe. If Matrox haven't delivered when they said these people deserve some sort of compensation from Matrox.

          Tish pre-ordereng an unreleased product is most definately a gamble how can it be anything else? Yes if they announce a delivary date they should stick to it, but come on we all know better than that by now. It's OK saying they should have done it when they said they should but its your money thats being handed over, you know the risks so that is a gamble on your part. This situation is not just restricted to Matrox, nor is it restricted to the computer industry. It doesn't matter how much a manufacturer states a release date there are just too many variables for you to take it as written in stone.


          • #35
            Done a little research and came up with no less than 3 companies here in The Netherlands with a LARGE STOCK of G400's retail & OEM (DH 32 Mb versions) and one with a stock of G400 MAXes... Called the company, but they're not open to public on Saturday. So I wait till Monday to order my MAX retail

            Look, that's another way of waiting.
            In the mean time I'm making money of pre-orders for asbestos-suits...


            Stupidity Reigns.



            • #36
              Ant you are absolutely right. By now I admit it was a gamble to place that order. But that is now and not then. I've never seen anything like this.

              Ok so they can't deliver to all of us and we can choose to ask for a refund or wait. very fair enough.

              BUT! (no, not butt)

              If they then starts tell us "um well um it SHOULD be in the end of next weeks shippment and um um" then I say pfoy!

              They tell us almost nothing and confuses us so we don't know wether cancel or continue waiting; it's a great card and we really want it!

              That makes people confused, stirred up, anqcious (right spelled?), sick of calling/waiting etc.

              The only thing I would like Matrox to do is this:

              they knew they couldn't produce enough cards for the demand several month ago, and they also know how many cards they can produce in a week. In addition, they also know how many people have pre-ordered and when they did so.

              With this information they can tell us:
              "If you sir pre-orders a MAX at this moment of time you can except it in xx weeks. Therefore I could advice you to instead order a regual OEM G400 which you can except in x weeks"

              Simple, and it isn't too hard to estimate.
              And the only reason I write about this here is that maybe Haigh notices and pherhaps he tells the chefs over at matrox and we get exactly what I quoted: A more accurate shipping date for all of us who has pre-ordere.

              phew ¦ )


              Damn, did I write all this shit? Please don't flame me (looking at slartibartifast, trembling...)


              • #37
                maybe it's just me....

                tish, what does this mean? I honestly don't understand it.

                They tell us almost nothing and confuses us so we don't know wether cancel or continue waiting
                Two answers spring to mind:
                It's your decision! It's true that sometimes decisions don't turn out for the best. But whether or not you have all the info you might want, or whether or not you ultimately think you made the wrong choice, you're still free to decide at any time. So just do it. Cancel the card and buy another, or cancel the card, find out one day later that it's on the shelves and buy it again, or settle in and wait, with or without loud complaining to Matrox. Why is this hard?

                It's only a graphics card!! albeit a very cool one. What is the big flipping deal? I know we're not made of money so many of us are not going to be buying 3 and 4 cards, but there's not so much difference between these top tier cards that if you can't stand to wait, you'll be so insanely disappointed in whatever you do get. There are other things a bit more important in life, and if there aren't...well, Matrox isn't the problem, then...

                I agree (again) that Matrox perhaps could have handled this all better. But I frankly don't think they handled it that badly, and certainly better than some other manufacturers that have had similar problems.

                So please, decide and get over it, already.

                the once and future motub

                [This message has been edited by HollyBerri (edited 08-14-1999).]


                • #38
                  The only thing I can see that Matrox maybe guilty of is under-estimating how popular the G400 would be. Thus putting a greater demand on them than they anticipated.

                  Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.



                  System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
                  OS: Windows XP Pro.
                  Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


                  • #39

                    Although you keep reiterating your point, and it doesn't make a lot of sense, I won't flame you quite as bad as I flamed Tylau. If you hadn't begun to wise up I might have lumped you in with M&M*, though.

                    Some polite suggestions:

                    1. Don't quote yourself. It makes you look dumb.

                    2. Quote others. Read them first. You might notice that we made some good points. For example:

                    While I find Matrox's behavior more than a little out of line, it is no different from Diamond, or 3dfx, or STB (before they were 3dfx), or ATI (who started taking pre-orders for their card 6 months before shipment!) or anyone else for that matter.

                    Matrox is at least in the process of shipping the cards, it's just going slowly. We all wish they'd wise up and make a public statement or two, but alas it doesn't seem to be happening.

                    - Slarty

                    * M&M is Copyright 1999 by Jorden. Used despite lack of permission, because I thought it would be funnier to write this disclaimer.

                    It wasn't always like this... I had a real life once. A signature, too. I used to be a guy named Gurm. But that's all gone now. Now, my name is Ash... and I am a slave.
                    Specs? You want specs? Yeah. Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up. See this? This is my boomstick! It's a twelve gauge double barreled Remington, S-Mart's top-of-the-line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop Smart. Shop S-mart. Ya got that?! Now I swear, the next one of you primates, even touches me...

                    [This message has been edited by Slartibartfast (edited 08-14-1999).]


                    • #40
                      I am sorry but what the heck is the deal with people like Tylau etc.???? They get flame, they are not appreciated, they wine about the forum, about Matrox, about members in the Forum.... Are you all so damn stupid??? IF YOU DON`T LIKE IT, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!! and stop annoying everyone else! Isn't clear that you are not welcome, neither are your damn postings? This guy is now going in the Alternate lifestyle forum to try to attract syumpathy to his pittiful cause....

                      Sorry but I just don't understand these jerks.



                      • #41
                        Since you asked, Army:

                        There are several reasons for being a (f)lamer/troll. They are, in no particular order:

                        1. You have no life.
                        2. You are from the Eastern South Swahili Sector of Northern West Zimbuzu, and do not understand that other cultures find your humorous lack of English skills and surly offensive demeanor neither humorous nor pleasant.
                        3. You WANT to piss people off.
                        4. You are Tylau, DJRoberts, or another clone. All of these people fall into a rough genetic category we refer to as "idiots".
                        5. You actually, honestly believe that you are right, and justified, and that everyone else is confused and wrong. These people also make excellent KKK members and Nazi sympathizers.
                        6. You are on drugs (see Tylau).
                        7. You haven't seen the light yet (see the old MM).
                        8. You own stock in 3dfx.

                        I'm sure there are some that I've forgotten, but hey - I'm only human.

                        - Slarty

                        It wasn't always like this... I had a real life once. A signature, too. I used to be a guy named Gurm. But that's all gone now. Now, my name is Ash... and I am a slave.
                        Specs? You want specs? Yeah. Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up. See this? This is my boomstick! It's a twelve gauge double barreled Remington, S-Mart's top-of-the-line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop Smart. Shop S-mart. Ya got that?! Now I swear, the next one of you primates, even touches me...

                        [This message has been edited by Slartibartfast (edited 08-14-1999).]


                        • #42
                          What about the resellers of asbetos suits, Ash?? You forgot them... no more flaming here brings down the orders...

                          I still have some for a nice price...

                          Jorden. (and ofcourse my sig, which says all)

                          Stupidity Reigns.



                          • #43
                            2 reasons tylau gets points....(!)
                            [list=1][*]his thread in AltLife admits in it's subject that Rags got him...[*]s/he's over there actually talking about Linux!!!![/list=a]

                            Like a normal, appropriate member of the boards!

                            Does this mean that there's hope?
                            Could s/he be another Manoj (but slower?)
                            Could we have to find a new centerpiece for our weekly luau?

                            Hope springs eternal...!

                            Hi, Slarty, so sorry you couldn't publish your results of the Sensiblilty least tell me did I pass?

                  're only human???? Eeeeewwwww....!

                            Jord, do members with a Known Bad Attitude get a discount on those suits? Do I get mine free (community property laws)? Or can you take it out in trade ? I'm going to get a discount on something around here if it's the last thing I do (and it won't be)...!

                            the once and future motub


                            • #44
                              sorwe um donn undertandnnd dee fucinnng ratti, armyworm, scrytale


                              • #45
                                Oh, well. So much for that.

                                Guess the luau's back on....

                                the once and future motub

                                [This message has been edited by HollyBerri (edited 08-14-1999).]

