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Tom's Hard-on-ware does it again...

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  • #16


    • #17
      There are plenty of other reviews on the web besides Tom's that do show that the Athlon can and will kick Intel's ass. Some of them don't even use 3DMark99 in the comparisons. Check out for more info.

      Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.


      System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
      OS: Windows XP Pro.
      Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


      • #18
        You know Joel, I always tell them: If it wasn't for AMD, Intel would be relesing the new 450 mhz Pentium II right now at about $850 a copy. No PIII's, (whats that?) And the Camino chipset would have date of 3rd QTR 2001. Isn't competition grand!!!!!

        Epox MVP3G-M, K6/2-450, 256 meg PC100, G400 SGRAM 32 meg single, Diamond Monster 3DII 8meg SLI, Ensoniq Audio PCI, WD 6.4 HD, Toshiba 32x, Toshiba 12x SCSI, Diamond Fireport 20, Yamaha 4x6 CD writer SCSI, Generic NEC2000 network card, Viewsonic E771 monitor Win95 OSR 2.1.

        MSI K7Pro, Athlon600, 256 meg PC100, G400 SGRAM 32 meg single, Ensoniq Audio PCI, WD 13 gig HD, Plextor 40 max SCSI, Diamond Fireport 20, Yamaha 4x6 CD writer SCSI, Generic NEC2000 network card,
        Viewsonic E771 monitor Win98 SE


        • #19
          Get this, guys, I heard from a reliable source that AMD is shipping 750Mhz samples to Mfrs. as we speak. Things are going to be very interesting.


          Some people call me the Space Cowboy.....


          • #20
            I have read so many reviews on the Athlon,that I'm blue.Every single review and benchmark used favors the athlon!PC magazine(a Ziff-Davis publication,funded in part by Intel,I might add) shows the Athlon to be the clear winner in virtually evey single test.The 550 mhz Athlon tied or beat the 600 pentium III,never mind clock for clock!AMD has produced the 1st true 7th generation cpu and deserves a lot of credit for coming up with this acheivment.The Athlon can be overclocked,and the special tool to do it is meant to be available soon
            I sincerely hope the motherboard manufacturers and via,sis etc.come up with the supporting hardware and chipsets.However,I must agree Tom's review was weak,Anandtech gave a much broader review and even includes benchmarks with Matrox g400!Ace's hardware also has astrong review,check them out!See you

            [This message has been edited by Alfie (edited 08-25-1999).]


            • #21
              Ash.. know something funny? Tom was saying the same thing recently about Sharkey's site. Namely, that they had their hands in Intel's pocket (commenting on their glowing review of the P3-550). I don't really care about Tom's opinions, you know. I think anyone who makes a blanket allegation about such things with no hard proof should have their opinions listened to with a grain of salt. Why do you say he has sold out? He's highly opinionated, thats true, and it does hurt his credibility somewhat, but are you saying he lied about everything? His bench results were pretty much the same as Sharkey's (and we all know Intel controls Sharkey's mind the same way AMD controls Tom's) I just read the site for the same reason you or any of us read it, cuz I'm a hardware junkie.. ok I admit it. I especially like those little diagrams he posted mapping out the chips architecture and going into each part in detail. That's something I haven't seen done that well anywhere else (maybe I'm missing a review).

              I don't regard Tom's site as holy writ, and I don't think anyone else should either. He's just a guy who writes articles on hardware. A guy, yes, who has his faults and perhaps has let the success of his site go to his head a bit and is strongly biased by many things. But anyone who reads his site knows this, and can separate fact from fiction without too much trouble. His site still has many good points about it. I didnt hear about Intel's 840 chipset ANYWHERE else, in fact. I did web searches, searched Intel's site, etc. The fact is he loves this stuff and that's still why he does it, I think. I regard him the same way I'd regard any of my techie friends (most all of whom have some wild hair that makes them particularly biased in SOME way) I smile when they rail about this or that, but thats OK.. we are all doing this for fun, aren't we? Let's just enjoy it.

              If Tom starts accusing Intel of being the prime force behind the assasination of JFK, Or claiming to be meeting their dastardly forces at Waterloo with his most ardent AMD zealots, I promise I will agree with you and help sign the commitment papers, but until then I will continue to read and be entertained by his site and make my own conclusions. Let's just enjoy the show

              Kind Regards,



              • #22
                Having browsed Tom's site since the days when the HX chipset was brand new, he is consistent in that he is always off on a tangent of his very own. In the early days his site was informative, if not always correct, and always had something of interest. In the last couple of years he has aquired a greatly inflated sense of his place in the scheme of things and the interest level of his reviews and opinions has gone in inverse proportion to his ego. Its unfortunate but it seems to happen to many a reviewer, Tom is by no means the only one.

                BH6 450A 128MB CW7502B CDR SR8583 DVD SBlive! Value Hollywood + AL320N USR Sportster etc. Oh, 8MB G200 Mystique too!

                Office: Giga266A, XP1900+, 1GB PC2100. 80GB Maxtor, Matrox G550 Integraph 21", Sceptre 19"
                Home:#1.Abit IS7, 512MB OCZ DDR 533, P4C2600 at 3260, LiteOn 411S DVDRW, LiteOn 481248 CDRW,WD 80G ATA100, Audigy, 2X IBM P202, Radeon 9600 Pro as well.
                #2. TB 1.33G/KR7AR133/512MB PC2100. MSI GF4-4200TI, Maxtor 13.6/40G drives/Ricoh 121032 CDRW, Hitachi 8X DVD, AOpen 52X. etc.
                #3. P3-700-512MB/BX6R2/GF2MX400/
                etc. #4,#5 Various P2 with G400, G200.


                • #23
                  I know Ron. Perhaps someone will send him this thread and he'll see the light.

                  Kind Regards,


