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Stress Relief (again) aka new fun thread

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  • #16
    hey! i need a overall description of the players for this thing to look right.. hair, build, eyes.... no weight please (wouldnt believe you anyways and it's not nice to ask a ladies'size either (I was raised a gentleman)
    salaries....check's in the mail no G1x10 to the 2000th power for you..machine couldnt handle it yet ;-0



    [This message has been edited by Dilitante1 (edited 08-21-1999).]
    Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


    • #17
      You remebered correctly, but thanks

      I'm 6ft5 (193cm)
      dark-blond hair
      beard and moustache (reddish)



      • #18
        the next installment in the Murcywaves saga
        (pronounced murkeywaves)

        MURCYWAVES - continued....

        our travelers having arrived completely out of their control are led into
        a large room filled with people and creatures from forums from the whole the center of the room is a large crystal projector with
        "Powered By Matrox" glowing signs at its base.....
        the group is led to a table near the center of the they are seated
        they notice the clear ceiling with stars and topic titles floating all around...
        they marvel at the black marble finished table with integrated keyboard
        and inport plugs for wondrous devices unknown to our travelers

        {a robed figure walks up to thier table..enter Acolyte of M}

        A of M: Good evening, welcome to Murcywaves - the forum at the end of the Universe
        The show will be starting shortly but before it gets
        exciting may I get you something to drink?

        Hollyberry: Thank you, a virgin shirley temple for me. Not sure what I'm up to later.
        {grins at Jorden slyly,strokes her fingers thru his blonde hair}

        Jorden: Make it a double. {four words }
        {flexing his muscles}
        Slartibartfast: make it something strong for me

        Joel: 1 bourbon, 1 scotch, 1 beer for me, it's been a rough week or so...

        Tyllie: I'm surprised you didnt order ME to get your drinks.

        A of M: Very well then, but we dont serve manic depressant meatballs here.
        You'll have to leave sir.

        Tyllie: Sure, rub it in...I'll fix this place, shut it down. THEN you'll
        see the error of your ways! WAAAAAAAH!!

        {Tyllie leaves the table sulking}

        A of M: I'll be back shortly, excuse me.

        {our heroes observe many individuals roaming the room..some old..
        some young...some having consumed WAAAAAY too much spirits
        a young woman (PurpleHaze)is observed flirting with some older folks
        (Dart Mahl, Guyver) but she avoids thier advances- playing them off each other}

        {to be continued}

        there you go peoplez

        Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


        • #19
          black marble finished table with integrated keyboard and inport plugs for wondrous devices unknown to our travelers
          Isn't that a Commodore 64 there??

          [This message has been edited by Jorden (edited 08-21-1999).]


          • #20
            could be ;-) never had one....only on my 3rd puter (built 2 out of 3) I figured an Apple2e was lurking in the background 8O)
            oh i'm sorry it was in the parking garage..the valet was using it! ;-P

            soyo 6ba+ with a celery 300A@450 128 megs pc100 sdram G200

            Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


            • #21
              Hey, Dilitante1, you never said you were psychic!

              As it happens, at the age of 5, I amazed waitstaff across the Eastern Seaboard with my ability to not only order my own Shirley Temple, but with my comprehensive knowledge of the recipe (they seemed particularly impressed by my pronunciation of "maraschino cherry"...)

              BTW, Shirley Temple has always been and will always be a virgin (drink)...

              I'm about 5'5" (are you metric? no? good.) and just color me various shades of brown...

              This is a great story!!!!

              Stop that meatball before it kills again!

              the once and future motub

              [This message has been edited by HollyBerri (edited 08-21-1999).]


              • #22
                Holly, I could say some REALLY dirty things right now about Ms. Temple (Temple-Black), but I won't. Mainly because she's such a nice person, even though YOU seem to be trying out for naughty person of the year. It's ok, we'll just let Jorden handle you as he sees fit (good luck, pal!), now won't we?

                - Ash, the terminally overtired (2AM here)

                Portions of this message may have been Copyright 1999, Jorden van der Elst. All rights (and lefts) reserved.
                Specs? You want specs? Yeah. Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up. See this? This is my boomstick! It's a twelve gauge double barreled Remington, S-Mart's top-of-the-line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop Smart. Shop S-mart. Ya got that?! Now I swear, the next one of you primates, even touches me...


                • #23
                  psychic....not me ;-)
                  well i could get into some really strange stuff on that topic...but i wont (not now anyways)again if i misspell a name here or there its not intentional...i write this while i am not online....ok? more descriptions would be nice..Joel,Ant,'s not mandatory , but it helps the story as you've seen with jorden and holly...they like it

                  now we have drinks ordered, mutant meatball has left , and we have some colorful scenery (PurpleHaze),where do we go from here?
                  any suggestions? (nothing TOO naughty please) ;-)

                  Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                  • #24
                    up....more to come ;-)

                    soyo 6ba+ with a celery 300A@450 128 megs pc100 sdram G200
                    waiting to interview for my dream job and make oodles of $$ in the proces.... aka have too much time on my hands at work now

                    [This message has been edited by Dilitante1 (edited 08-22-1999).]
                    Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                    • #25
                      Wasn't there some kind of trapdoor at the entrance, with some nice spikes under it, for unsuspecting tylau's, or is that very bloodthirsty ??


                      • #26
                        no trapdoor but the gargleblasters are waiting for him! remember he is on his way to the garage....ANYTHING can happen ;-)

                        oh well got stuff to do be back later to see any suggestions for the epic :-)


                        soyo 6ba+ with a celery 300A@450 128 megs pc100 sdram G200
                        waiting to interview for my dream job and make oodles of $$ in the process, aka have too much time on my hands at work and need a challege for my tallents

                        Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                        • #27
                          Hey I'd like to see this conversation taking place:

                          Holly: What is the Murcywaves?

                          Ant: Murcywaves is everywhere around us. It's the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

                          Jorden: The truth?

                          Ant: Yes. But unfortunately, no-one can be told what the Murcywaves is.. you have to see it for yourself.

                          heh heh.. I hope you got the context.



                          • #28
                            LOL Buuri

                            Wait till Dil finds your suitable role... you'll get as less paid as we do



                            • #29
                              ok...thanks for the input all, this will help the next segment nicely ;-p.........Jorden, do you think Buuri should be cleaning toilets? hehehe...i was hoping that the ladies would be jumping in with ideas/info for this but my hopes were dashed this day :-(... nuff said keep it up and i'll be back with another entry soon (not the matrox "soon" either;-)

                              Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                              • #30
                                Sorry not to be more help, Dilitante1...I'm still a bit woozy from visualizing Jorden flexing his muscles while I run my hand through his hair....

                                I do hope *phz gets a bigger part, though...

                                And where did ANT go? Not to mention the other troublemakers that are missing (in no particular order: Paul, Rags, Kruzin, Maggi, chuck, SteveC, and of course, Haig among others.) I hesitate to ask where the vast unnamed Legions of the Church of M war against the barbarous hordes of Voodoo and TNT this week....

                                Make sure our dinner describes its best points before we order...we don't want to get ripped off!

                                the once and future motub

