that's right, time is up and it's now time for another exciting episode of our favorite epic....for those who know not what this is about i refer you to: pages 1-3 to get all the details on our heroes... 
and now to the program......................
MURCYWAVES -(pronounced mur-key-wavs..hey hukt on fonicz wurkz fer mee)
{story thus far...our travelers have arrived beyond thier control
to a forum far in the future...they have enjoyed a free meal
they have been
given rooms to refresh themselves...(and PurpleHaze behaves herself..WOW!)
now our heros set off to locate the manic depressant meatball they arrived with,
and begin to search the home of their gracious yet mysterious host...
while followed by a tall robed figure (dramatic music here
after searching
the parking garage, the laughing computer terminal
and the lower levels of MurcyWaves,
Tyllie is found holding his jolted member while sulking in a bathroom. Joel, Ash and Jorden
coax him out of the room so that he may consider medical attention (as if anyone could help
a shrivelled/electrocuted organ
{As our heroes were searching for Tyllie, more forum members arrive up above, in utter
amazement at what has happened to them. ManojM, M Ragsdale, Agent31, ThePit2, and Helevitia
now join the room filled with forum members from the past as well as the current users from
the future...our latest visitors stay close to each other, near the back of the room awaiting
the BIG CLIMAX....}
{ManojM observes the banner flashing on a wall screen....images of children and electronics
blink on the wall panel in front of him...he stares intently at the advertisement,
then it stops}
ManojM: Who'd of thought the "OH NO!" brand (subsidiary of KrapKo) would have taken off like
that? I should have bought stock back when.... {smiles contently} DOH..I can..we ARE in the
future!! {taps M Ragsdale on shoulder} Remind me please to invest when we get back.
[no offense meant Manoj
M Ragsdale: Ok i guess, but I already use their products, I've made my investment already
{nudges Helevetia, and smiles....}
Helevetia: Yep, invested here too..{chuckles remembering his Holy Armor of M suit at home}
Agent31: Damn, I want to know what's gonna happen here...oh, anyone see a bathroom around here?
{fidgets as he speaks}]
ThePit2: Sure, I think there's one over on that wall. {points to right}
Agent31: Thanks. {sounds relieved already
{Agent31 heads (no pun intended) towards the local he enters he bumps into Buuri
and his spooge mop.... Agent31 is amazed at how clean the bathroom is..}
Agent31: You do good work keeping up with the's unusual to see restrooms this nice.
{waves his hand in a Vanna White motion}
Buuri: NO, hehe, its not me who keeps these rooms clean...we have a special crew for that..
{grins with a "cat just ate the canary" look...Buuri grabs his mop and
leaves Agent31 to do his business}
{as our heroes make thier way back to the upper levels of Murcywaves..they are stopped by
3 robed figures,enter Acolye of M, Maggi, and SteveC...
SteveC: Halt, please release Tyllie to us, we have a few questions for him.
{Maggi and Acolyte of M take Tyllie by the arms..}
Maggi: Dont worry about him, he will not be harmed,any more than what he's done to himself here.
Acolyte of M: Honest folks, we will be only be detaining him so he causes no more problems
while he is here. Personal injury to one's self is not permitted
here at Murcywaves.
Joel: Take him, we wont fight this for he's been up to no good since we arrived here.
{rubs his gote' and mustache amused by the event occuring}
HollyBerri: Are you sure? Jorden, I think he should stay with us ...I dont like this..
{grabs Jorden's arm..clings to his side}
Ash: Oh dont worry about him, he is a big boy
he can get into trouble all by himself.
{folds his arms, flexes as he gets PurpleHaze's attention}
PurlpeHaze: Even so, we spent all this time to find him only to hand him over to these guys?
{motions to SteveC} what has he done? besides getting zapped?
SteveC: The detainment is purely for his safety....I assure you no harm will come to him.
{motions Acolyte of M and Maggi to leave with thier guest}
Jorden: Let him go with them...he's only causing grief when he's around anyways..
{reaches around HollyBerri to hug her}
PurpleHaze: OK, I guess, but if he's harmed I'll redecorate around here BIG TIME!
{cuddles up to Ash} 1980s style... {Joel shrugs at the comment}
Joel: Big hair! Late Disco! ewwwwwww! {shrugs again}
{SteveC, Acolye of M, Maggi,and the mutant meatball leave for parts unknown, our heroes make
there way to the upper level to join in the festivities...all wondering what will become
the little troublemaker.....}
{to be continued}
boy! I have WAAAAAAAY too much time on my hands...time for a story!

and now to the program......................
MURCYWAVES -(pronounced mur-key-wavs..hey hukt on fonicz wurkz fer mee)
{story thus far...our travelers have arrived beyond thier control
to a forum far in the future...they have enjoyed a free meal

given rooms to refresh themselves...(and PurpleHaze behaves herself..WOW!)
now our heros set off to locate the manic depressant meatball they arrived with,
and begin to search the home of their gracious yet mysterious host...
while followed by a tall robed figure (dramatic music here

the parking garage, the laughing computer terminal

Tyllie is found holding his jolted member while sulking in a bathroom. Joel, Ash and Jorden
coax him out of the room so that he may consider medical attention (as if anyone could help
a shrivelled/electrocuted organ

{As our heroes were searching for Tyllie, more forum members arrive up above, in utter
amazement at what has happened to them. ManojM, M Ragsdale, Agent31, ThePit2, and Helevitia
now join the room filled with forum members from the past as well as the current users from
the future...our latest visitors stay close to each other, near the back of the room awaiting
the BIG CLIMAX....}
{ManojM observes the banner flashing on a wall screen....images of children and electronics
blink on the wall panel in front of him...he stares intently at the advertisement,
then it stops}
ManojM: Who'd of thought the "OH NO!" brand (subsidiary of KrapKo) would have taken off like
that? I should have bought stock back when.... {smiles contently} DOH..I can..we ARE in the
future!! {taps M Ragsdale on shoulder} Remind me please to invest when we get back.
[no offense meant Manoj

M Ragsdale: Ok i guess, but I already use their products, I've made my investment already

{nudges Helevetia, and smiles....}
Helevetia: Yep, invested here too..{chuckles remembering his Holy Armor of M suit at home}
Agent31: Damn, I want to know what's gonna happen here...oh, anyone see a bathroom around here?
{fidgets as he speaks}]
ThePit2: Sure, I think there's one over on that wall. {points to right}
Agent31: Thanks. {sounds relieved already

{Agent31 heads (no pun intended) towards the local he enters he bumps into Buuri
and his spooge mop.... Agent31 is amazed at how clean the bathroom is..}
Agent31: You do good work keeping up with the's unusual to see restrooms this nice.
{waves his hand in a Vanna White motion}
Buuri: NO, hehe, its not me who keeps these rooms clean...we have a special crew for that..
{grins with a "cat just ate the canary" look...Buuri grabs his mop and
leaves Agent31 to do his business}
{as our heroes make thier way back to the upper levels of Murcywaves..they are stopped by
3 robed figures,enter Acolye of M, Maggi, and SteveC...
SteveC: Halt, please release Tyllie to us, we have a few questions for him.
{Maggi and Acolyte of M take Tyllie by the arms..}
Maggi: Dont worry about him, he will not be harmed,any more than what he's done to himself here.
Acolyte of M: Honest folks, we will be only be detaining him so he causes no more problems
while he is here. Personal injury to one's self is not permitted
here at Murcywaves.
Joel: Take him, we wont fight this for he's been up to no good since we arrived here.
{rubs his gote' and mustache amused by the event occuring}
HollyBerri: Are you sure? Jorden, I think he should stay with us ...I dont like this..
{grabs Jorden's arm..clings to his side}
Ash: Oh dont worry about him, he is a big boy

{folds his arms, flexes as he gets PurpleHaze's attention}
PurlpeHaze: Even so, we spent all this time to find him only to hand him over to these guys?
{motions to SteveC} what has he done? besides getting zapped?
SteveC: The detainment is purely for his safety....I assure you no harm will come to him.
{motions Acolyte of M and Maggi to leave with thier guest}
Jorden: Let him go with them...he's only causing grief when he's around anyways..
{reaches around HollyBerri to hug her}
PurpleHaze: OK, I guess, but if he's harmed I'll redecorate around here BIG TIME!
{cuddles up to Ash} 1980s style... {Joel shrugs at the comment}
Joel: Big hair! Late Disco! ewwwwwww! {shrugs again}
{SteveC, Acolye of M, Maggi,and the mutant meatball leave for parts unknown, our heroes make
there way to the upper level to join in the festivities...all wondering what will become
the little troublemaker.....}
{to be continued}
boy! I have WAAAAAAAY too much time on my hands...time for a story!
