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G400 Max FOR SALE <<<<<

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  • G400 Max FOR SALE <<<<<

    It is in a retail box with all original packaging and stuff. It's only a few weeks old. Asking price is $300 Canadian.

    Why am I selling it? Well, I want to get the geFORCE in a month and I have a guy giving me a ATI 128 pro now as well, so I got it for some testing and now I'm selling it!

    Email me if you are interested

    PIII 558 (PIII 450 with case open and extra fans), G400 Max, Abit BH6, 128MB (LGS PC100), 2 Network Cards (one is ISA and the other is PCI), SBLiveValue, 21" Viewsonic P815-3, 15" Samsung, 9G WD (ATA66 at 33!), 6G Quantum (ATA33), 7100i CD-RW, 32x CDR, 3G Tape Backup, 2 External Modems, WebCam, OptiPro Scanner, Win98SE, for audio I have 2 amps powering 5 speakers (2 are infinity, 2 are JBL and I have a 12" O2 sub)

  • #2
    Will you shut up... please.

    We get your point ok!



    • #3

      Shit Phil. What's your problem?

      All I'm doing is trying to sell the card. Since there is no selling forum I have no choice but to post it here.

      Me selling the card is not really a reflection on Matrox's product(s), because within the last 3 months I've gone through an ATI 128, Voodoo3 3000, TN2U and now the G400 Max.

      I go through cards like water. heehe Remember that it's an addition so please excuse me!

      PIII 558 (PIII 450 with case open and extra fans), G400 Max, Abit BH6, 128MB (LGS PC100), 2 Network Cards (one is ISA and the other is PCI), SBLiveValue, 21" Viewsonic P815-3, 15" Samsung, 9G WD (ATA66 at 33!), 6G Quantum (ATA33), 7100i CD-RW, 32x CDR, 3G Tape Backup, 2 External Modems, WebCam, OptiPro Scanner, Win98SE

      PIII 558 (PIII 450 with case open and extra fans), G400 Max, Abit BH6, 128MB (LGS PC100), 2 Network Cards (one is ISA and the other is PCI), SBLiveValue, 21" Viewsonic P815-3, 15" Samsung, 9G WD (ATA66 at 33!), 6G Quantum (ATA33), 7100i CD-RW, 32x CDR, 3G Tape Backup, 2 External Modems, WebCam, OptiPro Scanner, Win98SE, for audio I have 2 amps powering 5 speakers (2 are infinity, 2 are JBL and I have a 12" O2 sub)


      • #4
        You seem just like me.

        I will sell my G400 Max as soon as the Gforce 256 releases.

        I only get the best. G400 Max is the best now and I am enjoying it while it lasts.

        Once something better comes I jump on to it and so on.

        The only problem now is that I have an excellent card but shitty drivers.

        Well at least I have a card that I can brag about for a while.

        Manoj Mahtani


        • #5
          Please don't pre-order your next card.
          We don't want to go through that whole
          "Oh, No!" thing again.

          Oh, No! no sig yet!


          • #6
            Welcome to the club guys ..
            When geforce256 is out i will sell my g400max too along with my tnt2ultra and v2sli ;-)
            Unfortunately i couldn´t enjoy the real power of g400max due to weak drivers ..

            p.s.: i think by the end of september half the guys that own a g40max will sell them ...hehe.

            [This message has been edited by deprived (edited 09-03-1999).]


            • #7
              A G40Max??? hmmmm...

              Haven't followed this Geforce256 thing, and am not interested either, so don't post a link.

              I hope for y'all that they have a forum where you can ask others why you're having problems (again).

              Until that time, maybe a thread like this should be on General Hardware??

              Jorden, happy with his vanilla G400, still no problems.


              • #8
                I am the same as you. I have 3 G400 Max's already. I put one on Ebay and it is already at $250 with 3 days to go. I will keep one in my second system for many months to come and get a GeForce 256 as soon as it comes out for the main system.


                • #9

                  It's actually sold, well I knew it would considering they are so hard to find. That was fast, only posted it a day ago.

                  PIII 558 (PIII 450 with case open and extra fans), G400 Max, Abit BH6, 128MB (LGS PC100), 2 Network Cards (one is ISA and the other is PCI), SBLiveValue, 21" Viewsonic P815-3, 15" Samsung, 9G WD (ATA66 at 33!), 6G Quantum (ATA33), 7100i CD-RW, 32x CDR, 3G Tape Backup, 2 External Modems, WebCam, OptiPro Scanner, Win98SE

                  PIII 558 (PIII 450 with case open and extra fans), G400 Max, Abit BH6, 128MB (LGS PC100), 2 Network Cards (one is ISA and the other is PCI), SBLiveValue, 21" Viewsonic P815-3, 15" Samsung, 9G WD (ATA66 at 33!), 6G Quantum (ATA33), 7100i CD-RW, 32x CDR, 3G Tape Backup, 2 External Modems, WebCam, OptiPro Scanner, Win98SE, for audio I have 2 amps powering 5 speakers (2 are infinity, 2 are JBL and I have a 12" O2 sub)

