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Transfer of MURC-YWAVES episode 6-- feel free to help me!!!

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  • #91
    up, d*mn you!! I didn't do all this manual labor just to get buried!!!


    "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open ended program of procreative racial deconstruction."
    -Jay Bulworth


    • #92
      haha there you go Holly

      Kind Regards,



      • #93
        Check, check...

        [This message has been edited by Jorden (edited 09-01-1999).]


        • #94
          Ah Holly, dear, at least you got your old name back, plus a head-start of a 144 posts

          I miss my 1120 posts though


          It's possible that nothing in this message has been Copyright 1999, Slartibartfastâ„¢. All rights, lefts, ups and downs reserved. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
          Holly, Love and Tiberian Sun Reigns !!


          • #95
            Wow Holly that's a lot of work....I bet you'd like a nice warm bubble bath and a massage eh??

            Your wish is my command, baby.....Just lie back, relax, and let Paul's Magic Finger's do their work.....

            Despite my nickname causing confusion, I have no religious affiliations.


            • #96
              I'm still 3'5", Paul... Meaning a head-butt where it hurts can still be done



              • #97
                Sorry, Jorden. That's me with 144 posts. I got crazy and moved most of the recent threads to the new server last night. Kudos to Joel for his genius in figuring it out. Turns out it was unnecessary, though. Ant hadn't finished things yet.

                Holly - sorry I wasn't able to get to you sooner and save you all that work.

                Kind Regards,



                • #98
                  Okay KvH, so where was my Update thread???

                  Still, she's WAY ahead of me !!


                  Nothing in this message has been Copyright 1999, motubâ„¢. All rights, lefts, ups and downs reserved. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
                  Jorden's love for Holly is to be excluded from the above restrictions.
                  Holly, Love and Tiberian Sun Reigns !!

                  -I want my 1120 posts back-



                  • #99
                    Mikey (Greebe), I hope you're speaking of Your wife???



                    • ok one episode full of sex and intrigue and..oh time to wake up...
                      one on it's way shortly


                      Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                      • If anyone would like to read all 7 episodes, I posted them all in a separate thread.

                        Kind Regards,



                        • thanks again for the efforts to save this from the clutches of the failing GA servers

                          now ladies and gentlemen
                          (there has to be one of each out there)
                          our next installment:

                          MURCYWAVES...continued (again)

                          {our heroes having been brought to the future for unknown reasons have...
                          What the heck! YOU already know what's going on...Tyllie's in BIG trouble..
                          Phz is STILL behaving with Ash (how long can she make it? our other sicky sweet heroine
                          is still clinging to her beau (Jorden) all the while Joel ponders: "who will rub my gote'?"
                          Our travellers are up at the top level of the huge complex known as (you know =)
                          Tons of forum participants have arrived for thier chance to witness the end of the universe
                          (wonder why?) Meanwhile a group of robed men rush by surrounding 3 more familiar faces
                          (who could THEY be?) as they disappear into the depths of MURCYWAVES...our heroes speak}

                          HollyBerri: WOW! they are in quite a hurry, wonder what's going on with those people?
                          {sips her drink, puts hand on Jorden's tight leather britches}

                          PurpleHaze: Yeah, I'll bet they needed to be asked sh!t like they did to Tyllie.
                          {strokes Ash's backside} When do we slip out for a ride in the Fizzymobile?

                          Ash: After things get hopping here, easier to slip out/back for a bit that way.
                          {strokes fingers thru her hair}

                          Jorden: Dont disappear too soon, you never know what's gonna happen
                          {leans against wall, Holly slides up next to him}

                          Joel: So I'm odd man out again? EEEESH...all I ask is that if you take off,
                          come back for me so I can get home.. who wants to be stuck in the future
                          with only Tyllie as a similar traveller? {rubs his mustache, then his head}
                          Oh well, what is taking so long? When will it end!!!

                          {a figure approaches Joel...nice hieght,slender, well endowed enter SwAmPgIrL}
                          [I am just guessing due to lack of info here]

                          SwAmPgIrL: Hey there, big boy, need some company?{steps to side of Joel}

                          Joel: Sure, I could used a sidekick...{grins foolishly}

                          SwAmPgIrL: OH REALLY, I see how you are already....{gives a sly look, rubs his chest}
                          So, what have you been up to lately?

                          Joel: Meatball sitting. Plain and simple. The joker we arrived with is in trouble I guess.
                          I wonder what they are doing with him right now? {sighs}

                          {scene changes to Tyllie, Tombman and Spider, led by the robed SteveC, and chafferoned by
                          Acolye of M, and Maggi...led slowly down long corridors, our troublemakers are bombarded
                          with images on the wall screens of thier own activities in the past...flaming, badgering,
                          useless rants, thoughtless provoking of people just trying to help others..Tyllie sees
                          screen after screen of spam attacks he performed against the MURC forum...his mouth agape
                          at what he sees, he realizes how much trouble he has caused, and now worries about his
                          fate here in the future..Tombman sees the posts of times long ago, and knows that he was
                          just asking for trouble with EVERY post he made...Spider looks then turns away from his
                          posts as they travel through the corridor of shame. Spider shields his eyes from the panels
                          but is caught hiding from his past and prodded to pay attention by Acolyte of M with his
                          Staff of M......}

                          {to be continued....}

                          (happy Joel?

                          Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                          • I like it. This is great. Keep it going.

                            Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.



                            System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
                            OS: Windows XP Pro.
                            Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


                            • Sorry to continue the multiplicity of MURC-YWAVE threads, but I just had to respond ...

                              KvHagedorn, I forgive you (you're so polite )... I was just a bit overexcited and didn't give Ant time to do his job's not like I didn't know he'd get it all straightened out, after all....

                              Electric Amish...ooh, Paul, a warm bubble bath???? and a massage??? by <u>Paul's Magic Fingers</u>???? yesyesyes, please... Texas is waaaaay closer than Holland; I'm sure we'll have a little time before we have to call the paramedics for you....

                              Jorden: Did I hear you threaten carnage? Why, sweetheart...! How thoughtful... and it's not even our anniversary yet! You go, boy...! See why I'm keeping him?

                              Love this ep, Dil (all that leather... sigh...)!

                              Heading over to the other thread, now...


                              "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open ended program of procreative racial deconstruction."
                              -Jay Bulworth


                              • BTW Holly, what on EARTH does "motub" mean?

                                Kind Regards,


