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Transfer of MURC-YWAVES episode 6-- feel free to help me!!!

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    • PHZ, how about Mr.Roboto? or Mr. RobANTo
      just a thought...
      OH,OH..Were Not Gonna Take It (twisted sister) as the troublemakers are sentenced


      OMG! 5 pages now, wait till everyone catches this tomorrow...

      [This message has been edited by Dilitante1 (edited 09-13-1999).]
      Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


      • Oh!No! not meat balls!!!!!!!!!!!


        • oh man, my character never came back from the toilet... I went there alone, and stayed there, must have been bloody impressive facilities!

          Agent31®. Copyright © 1998-99 Agent31. All rights reserved.
          Look, I know you think the world of me, that's understandable, you're only human, but it's not nice to call somebody "Vain"!


          • I believe you were watching something on the wall screen that you couldnt pull yourself away from...besides you had a front row seat when the "cleaning crew" came in..


            btw Holly i was looking at the old posts on (gag!) the GA server and succesfully answered all the questions on the story that you came up with...

            Damn, I have way too much time on my hands...time for a story!
            Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


            • Did I get killed off or something???


              • no silly, you (M Ragsdale) were just an observer in the crowd..unless you really wanted to be part of the Robed Figures..
                then you can consider yourself as one of the many who stepped forward to join the rest of the Robed Members of the House of M and get zapped to put your Holy Armor of M on... ok now?


                Damn, I have way too much time on my hands...time for a story!
                Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                • You were probably poking damn nation with that cattle prod, Matt. We just couldn't see you cuz your hood was up.

                  Kind Regards,



                  • Actually I think I was at FedEx's main office scouring their employee's lockers looking for my missing G400.


                    P3 450@560, BH6, 128MB PC100, Delta CD ROM, Mill.G200/G400, 8.4G WD, 8.4G seagate, SB16 (temp.), Yamaha Burner, Zip, Sportster 56K int., Storm Scanner.


                    • so they had little plasma panel screens on the back of the lav doors huh? maybe it was a re-run of Joe vs The Volcano or something
                      Look, I know you think the world of me, that's understandable, you're only human, but it's not nice to call somebody "Vain"!


                      • Good one, Dil

                        Ending music would be more: Stairway to Heaven (redubbed Fizzymobile to Heaven then...) by Flat Zeppelin

                        Cool seats in the back of the Fizz-mob, Ami.

                        And now that I have my Holy Asbestos Robe of M. can I trade in my mark 1 staff and get a new one??


                        I don't even know how to spell Grum err Murg err Grmrrrrrrrr.
                        Holly, Love and Tiberian Sun Rules !!

                        -I want my 1120 posts back-



                        • Hey Greebe,

                          [cue handkerchief]... it'll be allright in time. You're not taking off because you said one thing wrong, are you??

                          Ahw, go on then: Hide under that pebble for a few days and then come back, rejuvinated, respawned, re-Greebed

                          Jorden, forgiving, thus I forgave MIKE (Greebe) allready.


                          • I have a question for Jorden/Hollyberri...i want to know Holly's reaction, i've seen PHZ's..Ant's...but really and for true..i want to know how the rest of the heroines feel about the ending

                            oh well's hoping...


                            Damn, I have way too much time on my hands...time for a story!
                            Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it

