Well, for what it's worth, the durned thing hasn't burped yet, so that's been since Saturday afternoon, which a LONG time for this thing NOT to exhibit any evidence of corruptness with the non-certified drivers installed. And, just for sport, I've been exercising the board a LOT in the past couple days, and I just can't break it. 
So (again, disclaimer) unless something bad happens in the near future, I'm going to have to assume that pulling the memory add-on was THE solution to this problem, though I don't know what to get out of that. Lesson learned, don't buy add-on memory? Or... I have a bad board and need a new one? Or... I have too much time on my hands? Which of these?
- Excalibur
PII-450MHz @ 450MHz, Giga-Byte GA-6BXE MoBo (v3.3 BIOS), 128MB PC100 ECC RAM, MGA Mystique G200 AGP 8MB (8MB add-on PULLED!; not overclocked) PD 5.25 / BIOS v2.6 - 20, SB-AWE64 Gold, Windows 98SE, DX6.1 and lots of other goodies that would just be showing off to list.

So (again, disclaimer) unless something bad happens in the near future, I'm going to have to assume that pulling the memory add-on was THE solution to this problem, though I don't know what to get out of that. Lesson learned, don't buy add-on memory? Or... I have a bad board and need a new one? Or... I have too much time on my hands? Which of these?

- Excalibur
PII-450MHz @ 450MHz, Giga-Byte GA-6BXE MoBo (v3.3 BIOS), 128MB PC100 ECC RAM, MGA Mystique G200 AGP 8MB (8MB add-on PULLED!; not overclocked) PD 5.25 / BIOS v2.6 - 20, SB-AWE64 Gold, Windows 98SE, DX6.1 and lots of other goodies that would just be showing off to list.