Ant rounded up the reviews from the other guys he was in Canada with last week, and posted links to their reviews and benchmarks:
And included is a little Ant Rant:
"It amazes me that certain people have been screaming for Matrox to do something and get driver performance up and yet now that Matrox have clearly shown themselves to be fully committed to doing this by releasing new drivers, beta ICDs, an overclocker and now soon a TurboGL driver some of these same people are still whining and moaning like spoilt little brats because TurboGL doesn't support their 486. Grow up, get a life or go buy that TNT2 you feel is so much better. The MURC is very much NOT a "fan site" it is a "users" site and I reflect the consensus of user feeling and will criticise Matrox when criticism is due but that does not mean they constantly have to be criticised for everything. When credit is due I give them credit, and credit is now due, well done Matrox and keep up the good work! ...end of Ant Rant
Well put, Antman
And included is a little Ant Rant:
"It amazes me that certain people have been screaming for Matrox to do something and get driver performance up and yet now that Matrox have clearly shown themselves to be fully committed to doing this by releasing new drivers, beta ICDs, an overclocker and now soon a TurboGL driver some of these same people are still whining and moaning like spoilt little brats because TurboGL doesn't support their 486. Grow up, get a life or go buy that TNT2 you feel is so much better. The MURC is very much NOT a "fan site" it is a "users" site and I reflect the consensus of user feeling and will criticise Matrox when criticism is due but that does not mean they constantly have to be criticised for everything. When credit is due I give them credit, and credit is now due, well done Matrox and keep up the good work! ...end of Ant Rant

Well put, Antman
