Haig, I was having this problem (AGP2X with Abit BX6R2.0) and just had my board replaced. The new one was mfg'd in Ireland (as opposed to Canada for the bad one) and there were 3 wires from the fan to the power connector (as opposed to 2 on the bad one). The new board works just fine. I am about to return the bad one to the Online Store. Before I do that, might you want to set things up so that my returned board somehow gets sent to you for analysis? Since (at least in my case) the problem was apparently due to a hardware defect in the G400 Max, if you got ahold of my bad board, you might stand a better chance of tracking down exactly what the problem is (potentially helping others who may have this problem identify whether their board is affected). I'm planning to return the board Monday or Tuesday of next week. If you want to make any special arrangements, drop me an email to bcronin@idsi.net.