Thought I would finally update my old system that has a mystic G200 (16M) / Fic503+ (rev1.1) / AMD K62 300. Yeah, remember that "Nightmare Combo"?
Bad idea !!!!!!
Updated {1}DirectX 7.0 {2)Via 4 in 1 {3}Matrox pd5.30 (with proper uninstall of old drivers).
Used DirectX diagnostic tool and found it failed Direct 3D accleration. Checked a couple of games and sure enough, failed big time.
Wasted the rest of the day checking all my configurations. Thank God for notes, this forum and lots of tips "especially from the BB's".
Finally removed the pd5.30 drivers and installed the pd5.25 ones and "BINGO" everything works fine.
Oh yeah...that G200 worked "excellent" (even with agp 2x) in my other system that has an intel 300a @ 464 and Abit BH6, and which now has the Mighty G400 Max. (Best damn video card out right now!)
Ha, if you've read this far then let me give a big "High Five" to Matrox and there reps that filter these forums. To the "Beta Boys" for all the support they provide and to "Ant" for making this happen.
Bad idea !!!!!!
Updated {1}DirectX 7.0 {2)Via 4 in 1 {3}Matrox pd5.30 (with proper uninstall of old drivers).
Used DirectX diagnostic tool and found it failed Direct 3D accleration. Checked a couple of games and sure enough, failed big time.
Wasted the rest of the day checking all my configurations. Thank God for notes, this forum and lots of tips "especially from the BB's".
Finally removed the pd5.30 drivers and installed the pd5.25 ones and "BINGO" everything works fine.
Oh yeah...that G200 worked "excellent" (even with agp 2x) in my other system that has an intel 300a @ 464 and Abit BH6, and which now has the Mighty G400 Max. (Best damn video card out right now!)
Ha, if you've read this far then let me give a big "High Five" to Matrox and there reps that filter these forums. To the "Beta Boys" for all the support they provide and to "Ant" for making this happen.