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G400 MAX withdrawn from U.K. sale

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  • G400 MAX withdrawn from U.K. sale

    Apparently the G400 MAX has been withdrawn from the u.k.????So I have been told today by a large computer company:[

    Is there any truth in this or has anyone in the u.k.had any luck in gettin hold of one,I was told that they have had alot of problems with the card due to HEAT ....?

    Any info welcome thanks matt{;O)

  • #2
    It's just a story the large companies are inventing because they can't get hold of them. If you shop around enough, you'll find one.
    Official word from Haig (matrox techie guru) is that there has been no withdrawal of the G400s in this or any country.


    "The chances of anything coming from Mars, are a million-to-one", he said.


    • #3
      Steve is spot on.

      Dabs Direct, Insight, Scan.... to name but a few are all using the same cover story.....

      aka Chris H

      [This message has been edited by RoGuE (edited 27 October 1999).]


      • #4
        Thanks I thought that they were havin me on but I had to find the truth on this subject.

        can anyone tell me where they got their cards from so I can check them out to see if I can get me one thanks..

        p.s. Also how much they had to pay for them[if you don't mind that is] matt {;O)


        • #5
          Some of the big names I look at when I want something are:

          Software Warehouse
          Watford Electronics (I think)

          Or what about this new one called ? Haven't tried them yet.

          Or and do a search on there.

          Or if you're getting desperate, PCWorld, Maplin Electronics, CPC Components, Electronics Boutique, Dixons.

          If you're local to the Essex area of the UK I might be able to suggest somewhere that might be able to get one in.


          "The chances of anything coming from Mars, are a million-to-one", he said.


          • #6
            you could also try tech direct, they have them listed at £140 inc vat.they've also got 128mb pc100 ram listed at £52.86 inc vat! could be bollocks but you never know.
            tel:0208 286 2222


            • #7
              That RAM is £179........


              "The chances of anything coming from Mars, are a million-to-one", he said.


              • #8
                in computer shopper it's 52.86, anyway said it could bollocks


                • #9
                  Tech Direct are quite good, but they don't keep much in stock and their web-site sucks.

                  aka Chris H


                  • #10
                    Thank you peoples i will get on to the ones I have'nt contacted yet and hopefully I might manage to get one for xmas LoL lOl :]

                    If anyone finds out any other places to try don't hesitate to post the good news :]

                    Cheers Matt {;O)


                    • #11
                      TechDirect suck. Their prices may be cheap, but I had a bad experience ordering from them. One of their salesmen made a mistake on my order, and it delayed the order by about 10 days, when I needed it ASAP. The git put the blame on me, just to to cover his ass. I've never ordered from them since.

                      I've found that Scan and Dabs are pretty good. Dabs have usually been excellent with their next day delivery (when ordering over the phone - NOT the web!!). However, right now I've waited 18 days for them to deliver a Xircom Minidock adaptor. I've called them 7 times. The third time I called, they said "oh, it appears we do have some in stock after all." A week later they sent it out, apparently it then got "lost in the post", and I'm still waiting. That's mail order for you .
                      Celeron 300A @ 450, Matrox G200 (5.52), Seagate 9.1GB IDE, Asus P2B, 128Mb PC100 Ram.


                      • #12
                        Tell me about it iI have been buying mail order for a few years and I cannot remember the last time an order went smoothly ;[

                        Put it this way I certainly don't believe anything they tell me any more!!!!!!

                        To say that they just don't give a #### is an understatement,I must say that if they paid their workers a decent wage it would help.

                        politeness would'nt hurt either !!!!!!!!!!
                        any way lets not get in to this it just make my BLOOD BOIL AAAAAARAARRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGG GGG FFFFFFFF##############K SORRY I FEEL MUCH BETTER N NN NNNN OW {;o)


                        • #13
                          No.1 by a long way (see below ) Dabs Direct
                          No.2 Insight
                          No.3 Tech Direct

                          I've spent over £5000 at these three and never once had anything less than a great service. Two memorable examples:

                          I ask for £400 of the wrong type of ram (my mistake!). I call Tech-Direct and explain, they send me the right stuff straight away, before I've sent the old back ... no extra charge!

                          I need some network cable in a hurry; Dabs is about to shut for the weekend. The guy from Dabs offers to drop some of *his own* cable off at my place on his way home from work!! He did too! I kid you not.

                          Having said that, my mate ordered a hard drive from Dabs and they sent it ... rattling around in a bare box!

                          So its just luck I guess, just who happens to pick up the phone


                          • #14
                            Hmm, I guess I don't get that level of service because I've only spent just under £3000 at those places. My spending just hasn't been up to scratch
                            Celeron 300A @ 450, Matrox G200 (5.52), Seagate 9.1GB IDE, Asus P2B, 128Mb PC100 Ram.


                            • #15
                              Well if u want a MAX as i did, the only way you r going to get one is by ordering from the matrox store.

                              Ive been waiting since sept for one in stores, so i decided to order from matrox store and received it within 2 days.

