Furthermore, that "6 months" isn't really even 6 months because if I bought a GeForce today... <u>three months</U> from today Nvidia will start pre-announcing their next "next-gen" card, to be released on some date very close to then (even though they will actually miss that date, and probably cut the specs, like 3dfx did) and making me feel like an idiot for not having waited a bit longer.... there's nothing that these cards offer that makes it worth it to me to play that game, frankly... but I've said all I possibly could on that subject in this thread, anyway...
And when would that be, Filmgeek
?? Only people <U>less</u> on top than us are Number Nine users...(lol)... Matrox cards are like a critically acclaimed film that no one goes to see... but it was a great film, a classic...!
I'll say again: These arguments seem to start because of different assumptions... assumptions that Matrox wants to be first in the consumer/hobbyist market (which it seems is not their goal)... assumptions that users who choose Matrox primarily want the same things from their video card as people who choose 3dfx cards or Nvidia cards (which clearly seems untrue if you read these forums).... what Matrox users mean when they call the GeForce sh*t, for that matter...
Maybe you're right, Filmgeek, I never had an Amiga, so I don't know, but I was a Mac user for a long time, so I probably have had a similar experience.
Yep, it's true, we're a bunch of intellectuals, proud of our discernment and disdainful of the crass glorification of gross numbers over the finer things like image quality and forward thinking technological features. Many of us even have legitimate reasons to be so discerning, such as needing to run design or image-editing or video production software... others of us just consider ourselves more tasteful than the common run. So when the rabble-rousers intrude, beating their drums for their 10000 fps in Q3Test... well what interest have we in such petty squabbling? If we wanted such things, we would have bought a V3/TNT2/GeForce ourselves, it's not like we don't research these things, and it's certainly not like we can't afford it... the price isn't any different than for the cards we <u>did</u> buy. And it gets a bit annoying... we don't go out en masse proselytizing for Matrox... but everybody feels like they should just barge in here and tell us why we're a bunch of a-holes for not appreciating those other cards. It's not like there's not 100 times the numbers of owners on the other side, but it seems that they just won't be happy till everyone bows down...
Really, Filmgeek, look again at the quote I started this with... go read the review as well, if you like, I'll add the link. "Bragging rights of having the fastest video card is worth something in this day and age". Is this an attitude I want to participate in? No. Does the GeForce, or V3, or TNT2 offer me anything else but that, over what I have now? No.
If and when some other card does, I'll buy it. Until then, I'll continue to resist such marketing aimed at the lowest common denominator... which I will never be.
Sorry for spilling the beans, you guys...
And I'm sure those same people who claim bragging about one's video card isn't important are the same ones who brag about their Matrox cards when Matrox is on top.

I'll say again: These arguments seem to start because of different assumptions... assumptions that Matrox wants to be first in the consumer/hobbyist market (which it seems is not their goal)... assumptions that users who choose Matrox primarily want the same things from their video card as people who choose 3dfx cards or Nvidia cards (which clearly seems untrue if you read these forums).... what Matrox users mean when they call the GeForce sh*t, for that matter...
Maybe you're right, Filmgeek, I never had an Amiga, so I don't know, but I was a Mac user for a long time, so I probably have had a similar experience.
Yep, it's true, we're a bunch of intellectuals, proud of our discernment and disdainful of the crass glorification of gross numbers over the finer things like image quality and forward thinking technological features. Many of us even have legitimate reasons to be so discerning, such as needing to run design or image-editing or video production software... others of us just consider ourselves more tasteful than the common run. So when the rabble-rousers intrude, beating their drums for their 10000 fps in Q3Test... well what interest have we in such petty squabbling? If we wanted such things, we would have bought a V3/TNT2/GeForce ourselves, it's not like we don't research these things, and it's certainly not like we can't afford it... the price isn't any different than for the cards we <u>did</u> buy. And it gets a bit annoying... we don't go out en masse proselytizing for Matrox... but everybody feels like they should just barge in here and tell us why we're a bunch of a-holes for not appreciating those other cards. It's not like there's not 100 times the numbers of owners on the other side, but it seems that they just won't be happy till everyone bows down...
Really, Filmgeek, look again at the quote I started this with... go read the review as well, if you like, I'll add the link. "Bragging rights of having the fastest video card is worth something in this day and age". Is this an attitude I want to participate in? No. Does the GeForce, or V3, or TNT2 offer me anything else but that, over what I have now? No.
If and when some other card does, I'll buy it. Until then, I'll continue to resist such marketing aimed at the lowest common denominator... which I will never be.
Sorry for spilling the beans, you guys...
