Anyway, I formatted the HD and got PERFECT IRQ settings...... but I've got a question for Matrox:::
Question: Is the G400 compatible with Sound Blaster Live's LiveWare 3.0???
May sound common/lame/anything
But a software conflict made my friend have to format his hard disk, and it was SUPPOSEDLY a G400/SBLive(LiveWare3.0) problem.
Any ideas?
My CPU: PIII 500 Mhz (no oc)
SB Live (Full)
Millenium G400 32 mb DH (no MAX)
256 mb SDRam (No ECC)
ABit BE-6 mb
17 GB Seagate ATA 66 HDD
SoundWorks FPS 2000
US Robotics modem
40x NEC CD-Rom
17" Philips 107MB monitor
--Everyone wants a snarky... ...YEAH RIGHT--

Anyway, I formatted the HD and got PERFECT IRQ settings...... but I've got a question for Matrox:::
Question: Is the G400 compatible with Sound Blaster Live's LiveWare 3.0???
May sound common/lame/anything

Any ideas?
My CPU: PIII 500 Mhz (no oc)
SB Live (Full)
Millenium G400 32 mb DH (no MAX)
256 mb SDRam (No ECC)
ABit BE-6 mb
17 GB Seagate ATA 66 HDD
SoundWorks FPS 2000
US Robotics modem
40x NEC CD-Rom
17" Philips 107MB monitor
--Everyone wants a snarky... ...YEAH RIGHT--