The COM1 and COM2 and LPT1 that are listed under the IRQs shown are when they are enabled. When they are disabled. it is just blank no IRQ for those numbers.
Yeah, I don't have any EIDE drives. So I disabled the EIDE ports in the bios. They are disabled.
I think I am going to get rid of my SCSI and just use Ultra DMA... I'm just wondering if it is the SCSI that is playing havoc with the soundchipset..
The kicker is that yesterday. I installed the drivers for the sound card. it recognized it as the 8830. I was able to mess around with the A3D demos and hear sound and everything. It is when I rebooted after installing the drivers and playing around with the demos is when it crashed..
Yeah, I don't have any EIDE drives. So I disabled the EIDE ports in the bios. They are disabled.
I think I am going to get rid of my SCSI and just use Ultra DMA... I'm just wondering if it is the SCSI that is playing havoc with the soundchipset..
The kicker is that yesterday. I installed the drivers for the sound card. it recognized it as the 8830. I was able to mess around with the A3D demos and hear sound and everything. It is when I rebooted after installing the drivers and playing around with the demos is when it crashed..